I've got the booster heater on in the PMP office this evening, I've had the boost on the works heating all day as well, the first day its been in dingle digits all day and the windows had condensation on this morning. After an evening of feeling unwell I can say that it seems to have passed through so to speak and it's just my back thats a bit stiff now not going to be helped by the trip to the North East tomorrow morning. I'll be up about 5.30 and aiming to be past Penrith before 8am and then I can take a break roadside with the camera as my first visit on Teesside isn't until 11.30 although goodness knows what state the A66 is in now as last time i went over it was road works all the way over the top plus my favourite days past location at Penrith seems to have been redeveloped out of all recognition. I've got the satnav and addresses at the ready, day two of diet so that' fits in well with being out all day and lets hope no temptations although there were a lot of biscuits floating around the office today. Mandy managed to shift another large load of DVDs off to the post this morning but todays haul is of more modest proportions so far. Not so the internet though as last night in the wee small hours we floated comfortably past 14 million hits on Youtube which for a hobby site seems a pretty creditable performance, if I had the time I'd load a lot more on as I can get them uploaded a loty faster even though we have a releatvely slow connection speed until the fibre optic comes on line. We might give the pub a miss on Thursday and go to see the Alan Turing film at Crewe, Knutsford seems to have ignored it. I had communications from Manoj who used to do our travel plans for us but seemed to be uninterested last year, now wants a cut of the action but doing it oneself seems easiest. I did a lot of clearing the decks jobs at work and then had a bit of spare time at lunch to look at the family history on the Irish side which emerged around the O'Sullivan name, lets say that it didn't take me away from the likely outcome and the data seem to be heading in the direction of a relationship to Joe O'Sullivan who was executed by the British in 1922 in retaliation to the execution of their Field Marshall who had been in charge of Ireland in the black and tan operations. I did start the editing process on the Yorkshire cine archive last night and have got around 10 minutes of film sorted albeit no sound as yet, it takes a good while crawling through at a few frames at a time allowing me to recitfy the exposure and get rid of glitches as much as possible. After this comes the West Midlands video archive, everything in the region except for Coventry which is already complete. This should mostly be done for Christmas, but which Christmas you may well ask! Some more links to our web site with Youtube clips, don't forget its all about clicking on adverts each time you visytt, don't worry they are all friendly and harbour no virus or nasties unlike some! Plenty more online.
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