Greetings to you all and thanks once more to our worldwide support as predicted last night we smashed through the 30M mark on our Youtube channel and the subscribers are rapidly climbing, I'm hoping to get to 20K this year so invite your friends to join the PMP clan. We try to keep everything clean and family friendly and filter out any bad language or nasty comments about anybody or anything- one exception of course you are all welcome to call Theresa May what you want! Great to see Jeremy climbing up the polls on social issues, the elephant in the room is that the Tories caused all this Brexit mayhem not Labour and actually it was Tory bankers who caused the global bank crisis not Labour. Under Labour even with Blair who was worse than Thatcher they at least had Brown who as pm was u/s but managed the economy well. Wouldn't it be lovely if we got Jeremy and forgot all about Brexit and scrapped austerity. I went over to Merseyside well actually to Widnes but the road works we'd passed and noted as a useful film point must have just been very temporary as it was back to 'normal' as far as that goes while the second crossing bridge is being built. So I went to Liverpool Seaforth docks and covered a spot which was actually in another incarnation where I'd first filmed at Seaforth, now a roundabout intersected by a lane of traffic. It worked well until the sun swung around. Then I went to some other spots, the Freeport gate where I used to get hassle from security calling the police, now I notify them on 101 that I'm there and all is well. After that I did the Cargill entrance road further back towards the city, with midday sun it was great I'd forgotten how good it could be with summer sunshine. To finish a totally new location on the road to Seaforth from the M57 motorway, there is a stretch with two spare lanes forming a sort of wide pavement or road on the far edges, traffic isn't allowed to stop so it creates a viewpoint stretching down the dual carriageway, a tad faster than I'd like but the suin was prefect. I didn't quite get the third hour I treied for but it will match up with something. I was going to Grimsby and Scunthorpe tomorrow but the expected sunshine now seems to be off the agenda,. A whole load of new Arriva deckers are on Merseyside in the new livery, looked much better. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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