We got up fairly early as Mandy wanted to go swimming, I cracked on with the orders which had piled up through from Saturday afternoon and kept coming with the phone ringing just after 9 this morning and hardly stopping. Lots of multiple orders and ones going abroad. Not much happening on the cine film front, just waiting for several to be paid for. I had a chap on today moaning about the Malta cine which evidently he had bid on and thought he had won but it ended up sold to a chap in the USA. Very strange, I checked it out with Ebay and I'd sent it to the correct person, recommended he took it up with EBay as they confirmed my actions were correct. Sometimes people don't pay straight away when they win at auction, strange as why bid if you aren't going to pay, only loses you marks on the EBay score board, its hard enough keeping your head above water. I've been hard at work after getting shot of the post putting the next three hours of cine on EBay and loading the clips on my database plus clips on Youtube. Things seem to be picking up a little in that direction, as ever all I can ask is that you give the adverts a couple of click each visit, I know they are annoying sometimes but they do pay to keep the site up there, what else would you imagine keeps it going. ell it certainly looks a bit like Christmas as the real living tree has gone up in the lounge and its decorated already, the house is glistening with fragments of glitter from the decs. Tomorrow we are up early and filming buses in York. Not sure about Wednesday may be something close to home and Friday if its clement filming North Wales on the way to the family wedding. I've had a couple of tweaks in my back today, its been good for quite a while, the knee took a bit of a hammering getting all the orders ready this morning and then the rest of the day with the uploading and editing etc up and down stairs. We had a superb roast lamb dinner tonight, Christmas pudding still to come, dieting days tomorrow but i can see us popping into Marks & Spencers at York for a warm up tomorrow. The Sutton and Cheam amateur radio society clips reminded me of the many things i was in during the late 60s including the ROC and Wargames Society in Eastbourne. Comments are closed.
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