Thankfully I've recovered quite a bit from my back problem yesterday, certainly not 100% but nearly upright! I felt really out of it last night drugged up to the eyes on painkillers and muscle relaxants but it got me through the meeting which was quite productive although i ended up bringing the minutes back to type and I also landed myself with preparing the quiz night questions ( and answers) plus a photo round. Anyway it's all done but took most of the afternoon. This morning I took the IQ in for it's MOT test, nothing to worry about there as it's only just been services, they thought that the tyres would last for a while yet. While it was in I took the camera around Northwich and did a few minutes on the buses, a pretty boring scene now post GHA through, Arriva and Warrington, Howards the small local firm has picked up some GHA routes but their buses stop for just seconds and shoot off before you can point the camera! Then I popped home as I'd forgotten my still camera and then headed up to Lymm Poplar service station and had about 2 1.2 hours filming, I've been that busy with the fund raising stuff I've not been up to the editing room since I left the files downloading this afternoon so I'll get on with that and in the meantime some shots from Lymm. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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