I suppose it was something of a quiet day, no rush to get up other than get a rather large post bag ready and clear the decks for another week. Mandy had an appointment in morning so I went round to do the post and afterwards launched into gardening with lawns mowed, bulbs planted and over sized shrubs cut back and relocated. Nothing much in the post other than a nice card from my sister thanking us for the pleasant stay they'd had and from the RNCM for attending the principle's circle launch event. I've been pruning out the photo files awaiting filing to get rid of the huge number of duplicate shots and unwanted views of pavement and sky etc. I've now edited the truck film on Merseyside and added to our shop the films from Loughborough and Leicester. I'm not sure yet what we shall be doing next week , it depends on the weather, available are Monday and Wednesday, Tuesday is round 3 or 4 at the dentist, we may go to Southern Cemetery and tidy up afterwards if the weather is kind to us. Thursday we have a Polio fellowship outing in the afternoon and Friday we go up to Scotland for the GVVT bus running day at the Glasgow bus museum I'm working through the odds and ends on my desk one by one keeping the pile to a minimum. I must get the family history software loaded again, the disc arrived last week. Photos from yesterday's jaunt to Merseyside. Oxford Diecasts latest future model details contain a super model for East Kent and later M&D. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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