Weebly which powers our shop and web site seems to be coming to a halt but fingers crossed I get this out before it all goes up in smoke. I did the Christmas message unscripted and in one tape as we were in a bit of a hurry and the best way to get things done. I've sorted out my side trips in Dominican Republic for early Feb, three nights in Santo Domingo and two day trips out from the beach. All the cards are up in the dining room, the tree is flashing away as does Pat over the road only in a different way. Don't look, aaagh too late. I've as promised got a couple more clips posted on Youtube with one that's from 1995 just off the M62 in Yorkshire, super trucks then, some classics indeed. Our young(ish) relations will be on their way here from Manchester, we are all off to The Crown tonight, Christmas music, steak sandwiches and chips, yes a great start to the festivity. As I've said on the message greetings to all our viewers , friends, customers, relations we wish you all well for the season and a New Year ahead. Some better weather would be nice for 2025. Remember 2028 last year we make new DVDs the films will come out as digital downloads from then on although we'll send the existing DVDs out until March 2030. Somewhere with nice weather then for tonights slide show, all those glorious trips to Malta come to mind. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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