A warm day and even Mandy got a sit in the garden while I tidied the back and front gardens and attempt to get the most out of late summer flowers such as the Dahlias. I must get some more slug killer but I've fed the plant and even dead heading helps them come again but the recycle bin is full with just a half day at it. This morning was my first Sunday in a while at St Oswalds and it was great to be back in harness with my fellow warden Keith who has pushed hard to get the faculty through for moving two rows of pews to enable disabled wheelchair access. It was a busy day there as there would have been the 8am services, 11am, a wedding, a christening and then evensong - quite a day for our vicar Jane. Joe lloyd her son has done well at his O levels and well be going on to a sixth form college. The Youtube site has hit another all time daily record and this month should be the best ever since we started although the subscription side is slow to take off. I've decided to take a dip into our old film archives and give the earliest Hing Kong and Macau scenes an airing, these will need to be silent or with Youtube copyright free material as there will always be clashes over sounds copyright even when I've purchased the BBC sound archive with reproduction rights there are organisations who'll want to claim it if used in some pop music mix. I hope this rings the right bells for our friends in Asia, they have certainly showed their support for the truck films I've done at Hong Kong harbour. So in anticipation some shots from our archive of Hong Kong. I still haven't finalised my trip to Essex and East Anglia this coming week, I'll have a look at the weather again this evening in Countryfile on TV which gives it in detail for the coming week. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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