The first of my Dutch cine archive derived DVD's is now ready, looking up information on the net reveals that hardly any English language material exists although Google translate gives a rough and often amusing translation from native material although enthusiasts can probably pull out all they need easily from the original. There are also films on Youtube but not many, the trolleybuses which were my first object of interest are filmed in Nijmegen and Arnhem - Groningen the first to go has at one colour sequence posted by a Dutch gent with not one comment other than mine, other sources on Youtube include the Nazi occupation era which does provide footage of the trolleys and trams. Thus endowed with some small degree of knowledge I do know that what we have courtesy the PMP archive and our very own John Bishop makes up for a lack of resource and adds up to 30 mintues. I need to get stills for the cover and clips from my production for Youtube however I though as a change I'd embed some of the clips I did find which shows you what an undervalued resource Youtube is , get rid of the electronic sparsely clad young people making noises and what you have just past silly pets and children is a pot og gold.The first is the 1964 trolleyfilm in colour then if you wade past the Nazi invaders you'll find the ancient trolleys and trams at use early in the war, for those with enough interest see towards the end what a state the town was in after liberation. Something I certainly haven't got is Nijmeen trams, this film from 1950 is wonderful. Now I've found the sharpen tool when editing scenes likes these can be improved upon no end, take a look when I post the clips from our latest DVD tomorrow. We are now preparing for our family trip to Picardy in France to our friends Ian and Miguel with their wonderful Art Deco hotel in Corbie, always a pleasure and relaxing in the lap of luxury although the stairs are going to be a challenge with my knee. I'm off all medication since beginning of this week just a little discomfort, I'm still using the iced water cuffs to take away the heat and swelling. Next week it will be back to filming trucks and buses in the UK and the following week if the weather is suitable I hope to get to London for a few days. Other Dutch tramways appear such as the traditional Utrecht trams during the way I got my new video camera today, it is all set up ready for its first run out next week. I shall also be continuing with the Dutch archives and then I'm going to make a start on the huge cine collection I've gathered and then dispose of unwanted items plus a number of additional things to list on our EBay shop particularly from South East England.
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PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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