The mini beast from the east they are calling this latest cold snap which should be over tomorrow albeit the heating at St Oswald's is still not fixed so my oppo Keith has sent a warning out to wear extra clothes, no such problems at messy church in the school hall. It has been Ministry day at Church House at Daresbury, an interesting and mainly lively time and all our little group from the Chester sessions managed to get along. The concert at Port Sunlight last night was superb, what a mix of music genres and it went on until nearly 11pm. The lady who organises it must be about 110 and what a lively soul she is and arranges these sessions several times a year this time split between Mandy's branch of the Polio Fellowship and the church there. There was country, pop, opera, piano and choir. We were going out for a meal last night which was of course my birthday but are going to see if we can get in at the Dog at Over Peover this evening instead, perhaps the snow will keep people away but we'll go early, they don't do reservations. Ther post office situation doesn't seem to have been resolved yet so if it hasn't by Monday we'll have to try at Northwich when we drop the PMP van in to Quik Fit for it's service. Talk of which we need to get it loaded ready for Detling rally. I wonder if I could get Bus Spot Ultra on Maidstone done in time for that, Preston would also be great but I have very little pre Blue livery when they were dark red. I just tried typing that in Google and nothing in the old livery came up at all.I must get the DVD covers made for the last three, goodness knows when the weather will be right for a spring tidy in the garden borders although I did cut the lawns and squared up all the edges. A few DVD orders waiting to get prepared, well quite a few so I'd better keep my eye on the ball and get them done. I'll load some truck material on Youtube to keep up interest to be honest it doesn't look very hopeful for trucks this coming week and I only have two days available to 'play' with. The Russian trip is starting to look doubtful in view of the deteriorating situation between UK and Russia but I'll do something interesting that week I can promise. Photos then, it had better be lorries I think, lets see what I've got to hand. You can't beat Myanmar ( Burma) in the golden era before mass tourism, happy memories of our early visits. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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