Yesterday had been set aside ready for the installation of the new editing suite which much to my astonishment went reasonably well although the day wasn't without drama. Never offer to help Mandy always tells me as we have enough to do without extra tasks but I never learn.
I got a call from a chap who is from Railscene ( the connection is through OTA ) who I helped out a few weeks back scanning some cine and putting it on DVD. It turns out that he has no DVD drive so they wanted me to transmit the files another way. After frustrating attempts and time aside from my real task for the day we ended up with a flash stick from Tesco which was an experience in itself. Anyway the end result was that it destroyed my second extension disc which had the most recent scans on it, thankfully I'd already backed them up to the OTA drive which I keep up in tandem so we always have at least two copies and the new back up mega extension disc is now being loaded which should always have been done but it is transfers which take days which clogs up the machine for other activities. At most I've lost a couple of scans which I need to check through the files and borrow them back, it could be that nothing has been lost. Meanwhile my everyday computer for general office work as being used now seems to becoming harder to fire up which will probably mean the motherboard is on the way out. I've cleared anything on the desktop away to proper storage and made a list of programmes I will need to replace if and when it expires. I will be able to use the old editing machine which works on Windows 10, then both main machine will be on Windows 10, not that I like it the main benefit is it in not Windows11 which keeps popping up wanting me to install it on the new computer. I didn't realise that they don't build in DVD drives but one is winging it's way to me post haste from the machine supplier who did have it on my wants list for the build but never mentioned that it was now a plug in accessory. At present the files have around 10 hours to go and that is just a small batch. I think the main back up session will take a week. I look forward to trying some of the new AI based technology on the new computer I've several programmes installed although I'll leave Topaz for the moment as it has already shown itself to be a bit of a curates eggs, good in parts. So urgent I need to clean the house as Mandy gets back from Ireland this evening and mow the lawns plus order up another extension drive. Hopefully I can get out filming later in the week, a customer reminded me I hadn't filmed in Liverpool yet this year. I can't load any pictures as the transfer is taking up all the usb ports etc. Comments are closed.
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