Greetings from a wet Cheshire but at least it is mild. The day started very badly, I decided to tidy up the files and folders in my digitised cine files and as I deleted a duplicated it jumped and I ended up deleting the whole folder of the films I'd put via miniDv to digital. Most were a variety of films I'd purchased much from 16mm originals which I'd laboriously copied over the past three years when I had stopped storing them on tape. Perhaps I should go back to tape storage it is safer but on the bright side there wasn't that much which had immediate use with the PMP Film Archive transport range so I'm dusting myself down and carrying on regardless. We received our new bird feeder yesterday evening, it is really huge and has 10 feeder perches and weighs a ton when full of seed. I erected the hanging wire much higher in the tree at the bottom of the garden. It said the birds may take a few days to get used to it, not here, a couple of seconds and it was full. I took the two smaller feeders to bits and cleaned them thoroughly, a messy job but wasn't it fun trying to put them back together. I've done some more work on my next Bus Spot Ultra production on Stockport, I seem to have quite a lot of material mostly my own video from 1988 onwards but some much older stuff as well and I've decided to include the NWRCC films where locations are varied but Stockport was its centre. Nice shots of the tram era and really old buses, the scenes have done the rounds on the internet and before that on film or video but really set the scene. I've that many visits I've made that it will be a very short clip from each year. Just assembling them all so far, it is pub night at the Crown, we also had afternoon tea at Plumlys cafe while the cleaners were here and went to Northwiich to get Mandys car cleaned. I'd washed my little IQ yesterday afternoon. What dismal day for all those many thousands stranded at Gatwick airport with the drone attack, even if not terrorists they should be treated as such, in some ways it is worse, at least the terrorist has some ideology even if warped, these idiots are just out to kill or disrupt, I should think its kids starting their Christmas holiday, they don't worry about the police as nothing ever seems to happen and the police haven't time to attend the millions of incidents most of which aren't even reported as the victims know it is a waste of time. Once more the so called democracy is shown to be a failing state as Britain lurches into an abyss. When I was at Beachy Head at Eastbourne a couple of years back the visit was ruined by a dozen drones buzzing around. There needs to be a course to pilot and licence to operate them. I can't even talk about the Brexit issue and parliament at present, I think Cameron should be charged with treason trying to sabotage our country and leaving us to fester as the xenophobes and fascist right try what amounts to a virtual coup. Corbyn has been a very weak opposition figure and despite sticking by him I despair at his demeanor and naivity, May should just be put out to fester in an old Tory relic home. I'm sure we'll all pull through we always have don but each 'war' has cost our nation dearly and this debacle has already weakened the ec onomy, another round of austerity will affect our retirement and savings. Goodness do I need a drink tonight! Photos from Stockport, I hope I find some. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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