So here we go with a brief but full account of the day which has ended I'd this almost Soviet era hotel next to Ternopol railway ststion. I set off from the hotel in listen and went to the city centre and managed to capture shots of slot of trolleys heading into service I presume from the direction of the hotel this was a good job as it proved difficult without route maps to find where they went and most didn't,t seem to follow the suggested route along age voli. It was very frustrating as I had to leave to collect my case and head to the bus station and be ready to the onwards journey to Ternopol where I am niw. I arrived late afternoon and although I've been here before I could I find nothing which resembled the former scene. There remains a a small number of Skoda 9tr trolleybuses I photographed one, ride on one and filmed another from inside a trolley behind a us all very frustrationg. The fleet seems a lot less and minibuses a lot more but adding both destinations I did get over an hour of film. Tomorrow I have a very early start to ivano frankivsk but getting the early bus gets me there for next to nothing in three hours I don't care what time I get back wait sounds super slot and I want to get as much there as I csn. I had a great dinner and dunkel beers plus puddings all for seven pounds, great atmosphere here at night better than in daytime and amazingly less drinks but gipsy beggers around. I'll now try to post this.Click
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