We'll be on the road for the next two nights with a stay over in Hampshire, en route we'll be filming at reading, Bracknell and Guildford and possibly on Saturday morning at Southampton. We are down for the annual Alton rally one of the largest events in the preserved bus calendar and attracting all manner of vehicles particularly buses which start pouring into the site before 9am. The huge free bus service links up with the Watercress line steam railway or so I'm told never having actually made it that far. After the disaster staying at a grotty hotel near Alton last year we;ll be at The Premier inn in Eastleigh which is handy for visiting my sisters down in Hampshire. Yvonne and Graham are busy with a house move down to Hythe near the New Forest hence the reason we are in a hotel rather than staying. We are hopping for a family day out on Saturday but it probably won't kick off until lunch time hence the hopes to film in Southampton.
So much to see at the moment as fleets take in the new models and not long to the next change in registrations. I met Mandy at Cheshire oaks M&S at lunch time and had a Mark's Bakewell tart which is always welcome, we'll tuck in again at Marks in Reading. I've downloaded some clips from the new A41 Whitchurch truck DVD and these will be on Youtube this evening. I've cut the grass and tidied the garden, its looking a bit brown on the front lawn, the back is always more moist and looks a treat. The birds are still eating us out of house and home and the woodpeckers are now seen at all times of the day, the birds seem to have taken to the fruit and nut mix very well, certainly much better than plain peanuts, on diet days it almost makes me feel hungry. We could still do with more hits on the adverts on our Youtube channel which seems to be languishing in the doldrums this summer. Thankfully the weather forecast for Hampshire seems to be dry right through to the end of the weekend. I've some quite old enamel bus stop signs being sold at Alton for the first time plus that Southdown Motor Services coach traveling blanket. I'm now busy arranging events around my knee replacement on 21st August, cover for work ( if I'm still there) and appointments to hand over mentor ship of apprentices etc. Some recent releases on DVD, all on the store page of this site plus our Amazon shop and selected items only on EBay often at reduced prices and limited duration. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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