A great day for Southdown fans, the pile of prints has toppled over a couple of times and is now propped up against my computer get all curled up which isn't such a brilliant idea so I better get them in a box over the weekend, lots and lots and quite a few albums still to unload and it will all be down there for its first outing at Brooklands Cobham in April when Mandy and friend Sue are holding the fort theyll be located in the museum building and not outside. I've also got quite a few BHD sorted and by mistake really some lovely early Maidstone Corp with some quite elusive early trolleys amongst the shots and if we get time we'll get the rest of the bunch done before the month is out. The rally season beckons very soon and next weekend we'll be at Manchester which just happens to be the same weekend as Mandys birthday, yes the 29th will be round again very soon. We are hoping to celebrate with something exciting the following week, watch this space. Anyway enough of Cheshire first astronought, there I've gone and let it out anyway it's on the right track. I've picked up the Northern Irish prints from ASDA, nearly 2000 and hopefully this investment together with around 2 thousand printed off late summer last year will keep our Ulster pals quiet at Cultra for a while. There are a few Irish independents as well, I'm still looking for the negs with the Belfast double deckers, it's infuriating as I had put them aside to stop them getting lost or damaged and now lost them Anyway here is a shot of todays booty. First contact with new neighbours today, Mandy met their mother who comes all the way from Nottingham to babysit twice a week, hows that for devotion, we know all their names so thats a start. I think its Hayley, Sam and little baby George. Meanwhile Mandy took a heap of boxes down to the tip today. We've been looking for a storage box for a special items well lets face it we are getting on and those precious bit and pieces that someone will either be looking at or chucking in a skip, we'lll try and mark up everything that isn't obvious for posterity and it will get everything together. Its a wicker built box which fits under the Hardy family cutlery table in the dining room / library. I's quite big so we can stuff it slowly. Other than us popping our clogs lets move quickly on and I'm editing the 100th anniversary of the Manx Electric Tramway trip on the Isle of Man, sorry to state the obvious, anyway dinner beckons, dieting days done but no pub as we are dining out with cousin Trish and Derek tomorrow at Mobberly. Comments are closed.
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