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Czech Rep & Slovakia
Czech Rep & Slovakia
2288. Czech Rep. Trams. Trolleys. 1995-96. By Ken Harris, Prague 29th April 1995, Plsen and short clip on Brno June 1996, video 'noise' on second partPMPDVD2288
2286. Czechoslovakia. Trams. 1960's - 1993. Featuring archive cine film from the 60's and 1970's which takes us to video footage in 1992 and as Czech Rep in '93PMPDVD2286
2360. Jihlava, Brno. Czech Republic. May 2012. Trolleybus, Tram. We cover Jihlava trolleybuses then both trams and trolleys in the hectic and large systems of BrnoPMPDVD2360
2362. Olomouc, Ostrava, Opava. Czech Republic. May 2012. Trolleybus, Tram. An interesting mix of vehicles and liveries in three quite different Czech townsPMPDVD2362
2356. Prague. Czech Republic. Trams. May 2012. Some of your favourite routes including the old town and tunnel, some busy suburban areas and vintage trams.PMPDVD2356
2361. Brno, Zlin. Czech Republic. May 2012. Trolleybus, Tram. Finishing our coverage of Brno trams and trolleys then shoe city Zlin, trolleybuses and train to OlomoucPMPDVD2361
2357. Usti Nad Labem, Teplice. Czech Republic. Trolleybuses. May 2012. We continue coverage of all Czech electric transport systems with another trolley townsPMPDVD2357
2291. Czech Rep. Trams,Trolleybuses. July 1998. In this volume the home of lager beer Ceske Budejovice , Plzen and the elegant spa town Marianske LaznePMPDVD2291
2655. Vienna and Bratislava. Austria and Slovakia. Trams and trolleybuses. August 2013. The 2nd part of our late summer tour taking us to neighbouring capitals
2287. Czech Rep Slovakia. Trams, Trolleys. 1993 - 1994. Features film by Albert Gonzalez Masip and David Cole visiting Prague, Plzen, Liberec, BratislavaPMPDVD2287
2358. Most, Chomutov, Plzn. Czech Republic.May 2012. Tram, Trolley. Not prettiest places, industrial areas with mainly shift change tram and trolley then on to PlznPMPDVD2358
2289. Czech Rep. Slovakia. Trams. Trolleys. 1995-96. By Ken Harris, Bratislava 1995 , Ostrava and Brno 1996, video 'noise' on second partPMPDVD2289
2363. Pardubice. Czech Republic. May 2012. Trolleys , Train. An attractive town with smart trolleybuses followed by rear cab ride back to the capital Prague.PMPDVD2363
2355. Liberec and Hradec Kralove. Czech Republic. Trams, Trolleybuses, Buses. May 2012. The 1st volume all taken in fine early summer weatherPMPDVD2355
2295. Slovakia.Light Rail, Rack, Trams, Trolleybuses. April 2002. The best comes last, the Tatra mountains and light rail, trams and trolleys in Teplice plus PresovPMPDVD2295
2359. Plzn, Ceske Budejovice. Czech Republic, May 2012. Tram, Trolleybus. Finishing Plzn then arriving for evening rush hour and next morning Ceske BudejovicePMPDVD2359
2292. Czech Rep. Trams,Trolleybuses. July 1998.Four systems covered in this volume, Chomutov and Most plus Usti Nad Labem and Teplice lots of variety here
2293. Bratislava, Slovakia. Tram, Trolleybus,Bus. April 2002. Part of a tour of Slovakian electric traction locations the rather splended and charming capital
2294. Slovakia. Trolleybus and light rail. April 2002. The charming light rail at Trencianske Teplice now a museum piece, then trolleybuses in Zilina, Bansk Bystrica
1307. Prague. Czech Rep. 2005. Trams. A tour around some of the more familiar and perhaps famous sections of the tramway and through the city centre.
1308. Czech Rep. 2005. Trams & Trolleybuses. August visit to Liverec trams, Hradec Kralove , trolleys and buses and finish up at Pardubice with trolleys.
1309. More Czech Rep. August 2005. We start with scenes in Jihlava, a few trolleys working, then the extensive fleets of Brno, trams and trolleys plus Zlin.
1310. Another look at Czech Rep. Aug 2005. Trams & Trolleybuses. Picturesque Olomouc trams, Ostrava interesting trams and trolleys plus Plzen ditto.
2286. Czechoslovakia. Trams. 1960's - 1993. Featuring archive cine film from the 60's and 1970's which takes us to video footage in 1992 and as Czech Rep in '93
2288. Czech Rep. Trams. Trolleys. 1995-96. By Ken Harris, Prague 29th April 1995, Plsen and short clip on Brno June 1996, video 'noise' on second part
5046. Slovakia. Trolleybuses, buses rail and trams. May 2023. We cover the trolleys of Presov and trams in Kosici, variable weather includes trains seen en route
5045. The Poprad region of Slovakia. Trams Funicular,rack,bus, trains. May 2023 wet but lots of atmosphere in the high mountains of Poprad Tatra area
5044. Banske Bystrica to Zilina. Trolleys, rail, buses. May 2023 Concluding Banska Bystrica trolleys by rail to the Poprad region in the High Tatras.
5043. Bratislava to Banska Bystrica. Trams, Trolleybuses, Trains, Buses. May 2023 The second part concludes Bratislava and then trolleys in Banska
5042. Bratislava. Tram Bus Trolleybuses. May 2023. The first part of our visit to Slovakia a trip that endured quite a lot of rain but plenty of trams and trolleys to enjoy
5092. Teplici plus Chomutov and Most. Ccechia July 2023. Trams , bus, trolleybuses. Really into the industrial border lands where Teplice want to be a spa again
5091. Liberec and Usti nad Labem. July 2023, Czechia. Trolleys, buses and trams. Liberec now all standard guage, new interchange quite busy as was Usti nadLabem
5090. Pardubice and Hradec Kralove. Trolleybuses and buses. Czechia July 2023. The temperature continued to soar up in the 30s all the better for some heat
5089. Ostrava and Opava. Trolleybuses Trams Buses. Czechia July 2023. Another two towns this time in the north east and all in sizzling hot weather, about time too!
5088. Brno. Trams Trolleys Buses. Czechia July 2023. The second largest city in Czechia has a very busy tram station near the railway and aslo boasts many trolleys
5087. Marianske Lazne, Jihlava and Olomous. Trams Trolleys Buses. Czechia July 2023. A marvelous mix of locations with new trolleys and old trams in good weather
5086. Prague, Czechia. Trams and buses. July 2023. The run of the mill trams in Prague are great but throw the historic cars in and the sunny weather and it is great.
5085. Pilsen, Czechia. Trams Trolleybuses Buses. July 2023. The first in our latest tour of tram and trolleybus systems in Czechia taken in mostly good fine weather
0014. Federal Republic of Germany and Czechoslovakia. Trams, Trains, Buses, Funicular with scenes taken before reunification and split on the other 1989-91
5344. Czechia. 1999. Usti nad Labem. Bus and Trolleys great vehicle rally which has many buses from the UK and some veteran trolleybuses about by Dave Cole
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