Welcome to the world of PMP films owned by Dave and Mandy Spencer. It is really a hobby for us and we take great pleasure in meeting with other transport enthusiasts around the world.
The origins of PMP go back to the 1970s when we sold photographs at local transport society meetings in Manchester.
We had a brief period selling models which gave us the PMP name. Peover Model Promotions which also alludes to our home village in the Cheshire countryside.
At the end of the 1980s we started filming on video and by 1989 had launched video sales. We were fortunate in having good friends who gave us access to archive cine film which broadened our range both in time and locations.
As video faded as a format we started to produce DVDs and in 2010 commenced filming in HD or high definition which produces startling quality although it handles motion less well. Our films feature transport items unless stated otherwise. This means natural sound with no narration or music added unless it is from silent cine. We are not a Hollywood production company so don't expect Ice Road Truckers, our budget is a tank of fuel not a million dollars. One customer complained that his trucking DVD had nothing but trucks on it- you just cannot win. After having a knee replacement in Sept 2015 Dave retired from his 'day' job and now works full time bringing you more films than ever.
For snail mail or reference you can download our order form which can be posted or emailed through to us. Use the links to our Smug Mug site for purchasing still photos and downloads. Digital still downloads for all our images was added in 2018 on our Smugmug site together with the introduction of DVD digital downloads on this our own site. Digital downloads for DVDs are on our shop for releases mid 2018 onwards.
2018 also saw the introduction of the Bus Spot Ultra range which revisits the brand which proved so popular bringing it up to date with enhanced wide screen images and where possible ranging from where applicable tram or trolleybus era scenes through to the latest visit available. A snapshot of a location through time. No dubbed sound, light music from the period is added where required on silent cine derived material.
Our vision is that aged 80 sales will become digitally based reducing the time and effort of handling materials and gradually reduce our rally attendance to a core of top events.
We are a not to profit business as any funds are used to further the archive and to invest in better equipment plus ensure the continued availability of our material. We now use the terminology PMP Film Archive. Dave is a member of the OTA.
Some archive master copies on the shop are available for download ( historic research enthusiast use or viewing) together with commercial use licence, down load the licence and DVD together and it will give rights to use up to 15 minutes in commercial productions or use worldwide including repeats. This is way below standard industry rates of £40 a second. The shop should be self financing and easy to maintain through to future generations and media development. The original cine film is being lodged with the Online Archive. We are now scanning our archive and OTA film for easy access and to protect the original film from constant usage. For cases where film has been used without a licence it can be obtained from the shop at £500, this cover either film or stills.
Please use the PMP shop rather than EBay as you get the same service whatever mode you use and buying direct ensures we get the maximum funding to prepare our next film trip. Our previous links to Amazon were deleted due to constant harassment and bullying by them. For future and current progress see the what's happening page.
2024 We are sponsors of the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust and in 2024 our hard working James Morgan was chosen in top four volunteers from 4000 entries to the BBC Merseyside Radio 'Making a difference campaign.' The awards were at the Titanic Hotel in Liverpool.
Our work in bringing new 1/76 bus models to the UK from manufacture and despatch from China moved forward as we saw pre production models of 6 buses, models of high standards of the articulated Volvo B10LA with Wright Bodywork.
In 2028 EBay shop will close and only previously made DVDs will be sold and at a premium price for a non standard non HD DVD. Then it will be downloads or possibly an option of a memory stick to plus in and play on a Smart TV,