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West Europe
1078. Lausanne & Fribourg. Switzerland. May 2003. Trolleybuses, Buses. A trip in scorching early summer sunshine to catch up with vehicles and livery.
1079 Switzerland. May / June 2003. Trolleybuses, Trams, Buses. Another searingly hot trip on our Swiss tour, Bern has changed colour to deep red.
1080 Zurich. Switzerland. Tram, Trolleybus, Bus. June 2003.The mega heat of the early Swiss summer vas the sun bounces off the smartly turned out fleet.
1081 Winterthur, Schaffhausen & St Gallen. Trolleybus, Light Rail, Bus.2003. Winterthur , Schaffhausen and St Gallen, includes double deck Swiss post bus .
1082. Geneva. Switzerland. Trolleybus, Trams, Buses. June 2003. against the backdrop of the G8 summit protests, otherwise smart trams and trolleys.
1328. Roll on Switzerland. Trolleybuses / Trams / Light Rail. 1960s-80s. A whole range of operators drawn from throughout the PMP archive with sound added.
1462. Switzerland 1991 – 1992. Trams Trolleys Buses. Features sunny Lugano in 1991 then December scenes at Zurich, Biel and Neuchatel, mixed weather.
1463. Switzerland 1992. Trams Trolleys Buses. Features film by Dave Spencer in December visiting Fribourg, Bern and Lucerne .
1513. Zurich. Switzerland.Trams Trolleybuses. June 2007. A sunny Swiss diversion with new trollys in both locations plus latest trams in Zurich.
1515. Switzerland. Trams Trolleybuses. June 2007. A great sweep up with, Neuchatel, La Chaux De Fonds, Biel, Lausanne, Basel , an amazing selection.
1684. Switzerland. Trolleys Trams. March 2008. By John Bishop visiting Geneva, Berne and Basle, so much to catch up with on the entertaining spring visit.
1685. Switzerland. Trolleys Trams. March 2008. by John Bishop, yet more adventures with the fast changing Swiss transport systems, spring but winter weather.
2620. Basel, Neuchatel.Switzerland. Trams , Trolleybuses, Buses. July 2013. The first volume from our tour of tram and trolleybus systems around Switzerland
2621. Beil, Bern and Chaux De Fonds. Switzerland. Trolleybuses, Trams. July 2013. The second volume of our Swiss tram and trolleybus tour with three locations
2622. Fribourg, Lausanne and Vevey. Switzerland. Trolleybuses. July 2013. Another triple feature from the third in our 2013 Swiss tour also ran down for Bex trains
2623. Luzern, Winterthur. Switzerland. Trolleybuses. July 2013. Luzern a transport enthusiasts delight includes childrens parade specials, Winterthur immaculate
2624. Zurich. Switzerland. Trolleybuses, Trams,Buses. July 2013. The penultimate volume from our 2013 Swiss tram and trolley tour finally some sunshine
2625. St Gallen, Schaffhausen. Switzerland. Trams, Interurbans, Trolleybuses. July 2013. The final volume of this great catch up series on Swiss trams and trolleys
2630. Swiss Trucks. Switzerland. July 2013. Switzerland is criss crossed by a dense network of motorways with indifferent weather I attempted to catch the flavour
1250. That Was Europe. Social/Travel. A look back at the Netherlands, Italy ( Rome and Romantic South) plus Switzerland all colour 60s plus Norway 1952 b/w.
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