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Trucks / Lorries
3324. M6 Motorway. Cheshire. UK. Trucks. June 2016. Junction 19 M6 upgrade to SMART motorway and construction of link road to M56 plus A556 which will go.
PMPDVD1400.. Runcorn , Cheshire. Trucks. June 2006. By popular request we recommence coverage of the current trucking scene with the hectic traffic by the M56.
2306. Immingham.UK.Trucks. March 2012 Our usual spot which catches all the dock and industrial traffic on a very sunny weekday morning , friendly drivers!PMPDVD2306
2556. Dundee. UK. Trucks. March 2013. The outskirts of Dundee with traffic on the by pass road with at first sunshine then back to light snow, lots of lorries thoughPMPDVD2556
2484. Vietnam. Trucks. December 2012. Return to Cat Lai Container Terminal on Christmas day, so impressed with Christmas Eve Shots spent my Christmas therePMPDVD2484
2519. Stobart Runcorn Port.UK.Trucks. February 2013. Stobarts inland port at Runcorn a pivotel point in their network with Stobart trucks a plenty plus some othersPMPDVD2519
1772. Runcorn. UK. Trucks.March 2009. Sunny coverage on the busy roundabout off the M56 motorway leading to the giant Petrochem plants in the area.PMPDVD1772
1630. Brit Truck 08. A66 Trunk Road. UK Trucks. May 2008. A super sunny show of trucks in the scenic splendours of Cumbria crossing the A66.PMPDVD1630
2537. M6 Motorway. UK. Cheshire. Trucks. March 2013. Friends of the M6 reunited, slow traffic on M6, damp Friday afternoon from overbridge near the PMP basePMPDVD2537
436. Cheshire Commercial Run, UK, Vintage Lorries. The 1996 run through Cheshire filmed by Dave Spencer with roadside and rally site coverage,PMPDVD436
2346. Llandudno.UK. Trucks. May 2012. The annual transport festival at Llandudno, this first volume of three covers the first sweep of the lorry line ups Sunday amPMPDVD2346
2150. Malta Trucks. May 2011. Vol2 of our coverage of trucks on Malta includes the start of the 3rd Malta truck and bus rally, pretty well trucks in Malta all the wayPMPDVD2150
1599. Lymm. Cheshire. UK. Trucks. February 2008. A bright sunny lunchtime with frenetic trucking action nearly non stop movements, hundreds of vehicles.PMPDVD1599
2132. Cuba. Commercial transport. April 2011. All manner of trucks , light and heavy commercials, US, Russian and everything in between, Santiago and Havana.PMPDVD2132.
2133. Cuba. More Cuban Commercials. April 2011. A look at trucks hard at work amongst hectic traffic in busy port and industrial sreas of Havana and santiagoPMPDVD2133.
471. Netherlands, Trucks. 1996 , 60 min video by Dave Spencer at the Europort centre with road trains .PMPDVD471.
1461. Classic Brit Trucks ’95. Trucks. UK. A look at truck gatherings at Lymm, Cheshire and Carnforth , Lancs back at Easter 1995. Contemporary, classic etc.PMPDVD1461
2190. Oswestry, Shropshire. UK.Trucks. August 2011. Pretty well sunshine all the way , I'd logged this as a potential film spot, our first shoot there , constant action.PMPDVD2190
2487. Cambodian Truck scenes. Trucks. December 2012. Both volumes feature the occasional bus passing as well as a very vibrant truck scene with lots of variety PMPDVD2487
2567. Porto. Portugal. Trucks. April 2013. A look at trucks entering and leaving the port which serves Oporto in the north of Portugal, aerial shots from the motorwayPMPDVD2567
2368. Gaydon. UK. Trucks. June 2012. The last of our series of regular annual visits, the Saturday as lorries start to arrive includes the climax of the Steel Boys runPMPDVD2368
2140. Truckfest.UK.Trucks. May 2011. Continues our action packed coverage of the truck line ups and dealer , manufacturer displays plus the afternoon departuresPMPDVD2140
2517. Trucks at Chester. UK. February 2013. The A413 Manchester to Swansea Trunk Road at it's real beginning outside Chester heading to all parts south west.PMPDVD2517
1598. Canadian Trucking holiday. Canada. Trucks. June 1995. Mainly Vancouver and then Alberta Province through the Rockies, trucks to bears!PMPDVD1598.
1626. Trucks across South America. April 2008. Old US rigs at Valparaiso docks in Chile then blue skies over Argentina with heavy traffic at speed and slow.PMPDVD1626.
1802. China. Trucks. April 2009. Overloaded and unusual, scenes on rough coal mining roads and at the port city of Tianjin plus evening rush at Wuhan.PMPDVD1802.
2198. Stoke On Trent. UK. Trucks. September 2011. Another look at trucks hurtling around the A500 D road just off the M6 near the Stobart's ex Irlam truck depot.PMPDVD2198
1669. Egypt. Trucks. 1996 – 1997. Trucks besides the Pyramids, trucks in the desert quarries, trucks in Alexandria plus the vehicles at El Alamein museum..PMPDVD1669.
2490. Vietnam.Trucks.January 2013. Our last visit to the trucks of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City at the toll gates on National Highway No1, no motorcycles to block viewPMPDVD2490
1698. Cumbria, UK. Trucks. Penrith, September 2008. Just off the M6 in Cumbria plus a superb scenic spot near the A6 at Penrith, a very enjoyable location.PMPDVD1698
1489. Brit Truck Lymm, April 2007.UK.Trucks. A sunny day at Lymm truck stop with hectic coming and goings, masses of carriers featured, non-stop action.PMPDVD1489
PMP DVD 2124. Tilbury. UK. Trucks. April 2011. Our first trip to this important British dock with scenes taken outside the gates as the trucks roll in by the hundreds in sunshine
1136 Transport in Western Australia, Bus scenes taken Dec 2003 / Jan 2004 Perth, Albany plus the grain road trains in Albany.PMPDVD1136
1100 Astle Park , August 2003. UK, Commercials. The first lorry video for some time, features trucks at the 2003 Astle Park Traction Engine Rally near Chelford.PMPDVD1100
2175. Fleetwood Transport Festival and Lymm Services July 2011. UK Commercials, Transport Vibrations a look at transport old and new mainly with commercialsPMPDVD2175
2174. Lymm. UK. Cheshire.Trucks. July 2011. One of the most popular truck photographic sites are the Popular Services at Lymm in Cheshire just off the M6PMPDVD2174
1629. Brit Truck 08. Cheshire and Merseyside in spring 2008, scenes at Middlewich and on the way to Liverpool airport in sunny weather..PMPDVD1629
2555. Perth. UK.Trucks. March 2013. The outskirts of Perth where major routes meet, not the easiest of locations and taken in biting cold weather but it was sunnyPMPDVD2555
625 Cyprus, Trucks. April 1998. 60 min by Dave Spencer with scenes taken mainly around Limassol in scorching sunshine, lots of ex UK trucks.PMPDVD625.
1426. Truck It North West. UK. Trucks. July / Sept 2006. Trucks in action at Middlewich plus Truck Fest North West at Haydock Park racecourse.PMPDVD1426
687. Trucks in India. December 1998 , Bombay dockyards and also views in Calcutta. Tatas and Ashok Leylands plus some older vehiclesPMPDVD687.
1835. Dublin. Ireland. Trucks. July 2009. Heading our west from Dublin with constant streams of trucks bound for Cork, Limerick and Waterford areasPMPDVD1835.
2489. Laos , Vietnam. Trucks. January 2013. Laos may not be truck rich but here we have them plus trucks in Saigon, Vietnam at the highway toll booths en mass PMPDVD2489
1498. Brit Truck Runcorn. UK. Trucks. May 07 Another weekday visit to the Runcorn turn off from the M56 motorway, a plethora of trucks including many tankers.PMPDVD1498
2365. Le Havre. France. Trucks. June 2012. Our first coverage at this France's second port city with a busy trucking scene although the weather was cold and wetPMPDVD2365
1494. Brit Truck Penrith. UK. Trucks. April 2007. Wonderful warm sunny spring weather and friendly drivers on a roundabout off the M6 motorway.PMPDVD1494
1618 Malta. Trucks. 1972 – 2001. Some brief cine scenes in the 70s then some wonderful 1994 views leading through to 2001, colourful, iconic, wow!PMPDVD1618.
2214. Brit Truck. Herefordshire. Trucks. September 2011. Our favourite spot on the roundabout outside ross On Wye in Indian Summer , traffic to South Wales etcPMPDVD2214
2479. Bus and Coach Wales. UK. Buses.Trucks. 1996. Barry Island near Cardiff. The annual Welsh vintage gathering on the car park includes roads in and lined upPMPDVD2157
2429. Sofia. Bulgaria. Truck. September 2012. A route between motorways with long queues at a junction meant that this production was possible in limited timePMPDVD2429
1731. Euro Truck Tipperary. Ireland. Lorries thundering through the chilly narrow rain swept streets of Tipperary city on a winter afternoon midweek December 2008PMPDVD1731.
1601. Brit Truck. Runcorn. Cheshire. UK. Trucks. February 2008. A glorious sunny early spring day studying trucks just off the M56 at Runcorn early afternoon.PMPDVD1601
2130. Cuba. Cars. Aprol 2011. The wonderful world of cars in Cuba, not just golden oldies from USA, East and West Europe incl UK,so much variety your heart achesPMPDVD2130.
2173. Belarus. Trucks.June 2011. A grand tour of this little visited former Soviet territory with trucks from East and West hard at work in town and country.PMPDVD2173
1754. Burmese Trucking Holiday. Myanmar. 1997. Against a backdrop of social and scenic delights the wonderful world of Burmese trucking, Rangoon, Mandalay.PMPDVD1754
1775. Lymm. Uk. Trucks. March 2009. A warm spring day with cloudless blue sky greets us near the Lymm truck stop just off the M6 motorway, thumbs up all the way.PMPDVD1775
2159. Felixstowe. UK. Trucks. July 2011. The first of a two parter based upon trucks heading into the port on a Friday afternoon, the busiest time of the week.PMPDVD2159
1668. Ireland. Trucks. 2008. May on the outskirts of Dublin, dry but very windy and in Waterford, August 2008, bright and dry, a nice all round mix of trucks.PMPDVD1668.
2158. Gaydon.UK.Trucks.June 2011. The last of our three part coverage with Sunday line ups and arrivals and forward nearly drowned to the rather early departuresPMPDVD2158
2480. Classic Automotion. UK. Buses,Trucks,Cars. 1996 Bracknell Road research centre includes shots on the centre's own circuit for wonderful mixed traffic PMPDVD2480
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