one of my recent acquisitions from EBay along the lines of the Atlas type magazine releases this time from Poland is one of 13 French trolleybuses by Vectra purchased by Poland in 1949 for a new trolleybus route. The model is crisp and seems accurate and it's the second trolleybus they have produced and of course we can only hope that they might turn their attention to other buses and trolleys but some double deckers would be nice. In 1/72 scale which ties in with aircraft and military models and is just a tad too big for UK releases 1/76 bus models but keep them on a seperate shelf and nobody will spot the difference. There are myriad Russian types that could be produced and certainly their military, aircraft and cars let alone commercials have been widely released in various scales so perhaps the eastward spread may catch the USSR. So another for the display shelves at Birchwood Drive. I didn't get to see much of the day, I seemed to be emailing most of the time which in a good direction has meant that my trainer due for redundancy can come back as a self employed provider thus at least filling a void although there is a lot of detail to sort. It does remove a few of my worries anyway. I've managed to trim up and get about 200 ogf my old black and white photos done, they are the first impressions to be produced, still to be printeed and cover the likes of Northampton, Morroco, Hampshire, Cambridge to name but a few. Even some nice lorries in amongst the buses in Morroco, I'd long forgotten that I took them and of course once more pushes my truck credentials back to the late 1970s so I'm no newcomer to the scene albeit I wish I'd have done a whole lot more. I've also got the recent photos from Yorkshire and South Wales and truck shots in Cheshire and Shropshire filed away. I'm just finishing the second of the Yorkshire DVDs as I ran out of time yesterday , our friend Sue called by. She looks like coming with Mandy and me on our Colombian trip. We have nearly everyone confirmed for the 2016 China trip which is good. A 2017 trip may see Martin and I in Taiwan, South Korea and Philippines. Another trip under investigation with Mandy is to Ethiopia and another possibility Zimbabwe. Must go Mandys done fish and chips home made for dinner tonight! Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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