So it was Warrington in showers ans sun and Bury in sun and cloud, both slightly challenging but it has been that sort of year other than the Essex and South Wales trip. Several regions are waiting my 2023 visit like the North East and Teesside, Glasgow and Edinburgh. I do have quite a list, maybe some will slip into winter or certainly autumn. Here are some shots from Warrington. I was trying to get motivated to get some lorry film done, Mandy suggested that I try at Lymm as it was quite cloudy but dry. I got there it was sunshine and cloud alternating my worst sort of weather. Friday is the only day it looks good this week but I'm at our monthly OTA meeting at Shrewsbury. Next week looks a great deal better although it will be a short week of Mon - Wednesday as we are then with family in Hampshire. Anyway I got a few photos of the lorries at Lymm so I come to the party with something to share once more. Transferring external drives to back ups is a very fraught process especially when we lost masses of data the middle of last year. So far so good but it takes the best part of a day at best and two days for larger multi Terabyte back ups which is the second part of the exercise. When this is concluded I will back up everything again so I have two copies here and another with OTA who may well copy one again. I find the super computer is rubbish at simple tasks like this, all the top notch processing ability seems to just get it all jammed up. So it is on with the Windows 7 machine, I'd use the XP but it would not recognise all the data types. I did conclude the current round of work on the earliest diorama which was the first modelling I'd done for several decades and needed a bit of a change around so it all made more sense and provides an understandable time line from the immediate post war period through the 1950s'. I was generally pleased how it has gone but will have a break as it accumulates so much clutter and I'm almost drowning in it. I tried a few pictures but the depth of field required needs terribly slow speed so next time I'll get a tripod on the still camera and have a go. The zebra crossing which came into being about the same time as me was based on one in Edinburgh over redundant tracks , the non reflective plates are the real thing reduced rather a lot! A lot more people added to the scene with Model U and 3D models which are scanned . A little over exposed but you get the idea as the buses pass in and out of the back drop into the end of WWII This one shows the recently constructed street market, it is certainly a busy scene but it needs to soak up a lot of vehicles to relieve shelf space elsewhere. The road through the 1945- 1950s period ends with the trams, again I've redone the road incorporating the rails which are at correct width for 4mm or P4 which is only possible because the are static.
Wet and cold, a miserable day but perfect for inside, editing and work on refreshing the diorama which is the earliest time line, 1946-50's. It is a real challenge fitting so much history in a few feet but at least most of it is just about realistic, even the pedestrian zebra crossing came in about the same time as me. I will need to rewire the trams which is a very fiddly job. Bank Holiday Monday tomorrow, I must check though the Enviro EV 400 3d images ready for them to go to the manufacturer. Really didn't get my head around that today which isn't on as people are waiting for the nod from me but I feel a little out of my depth on modern vehicles at that degree of detail. Back to the Essex trip. Mandy was back home yesterday evening. The standard of catering has greatly improved and no more sitting up to 2am trying to finish off something or other. The weather has been sort of bleak, in fact the perfect day for getting the shopping done early and getting back to spend a bit of time sorting out the first diorama that I did in the lockdowns before we were told as media to get back in action. Anyway we've plenty from the Essex, Beds trip to look at. Perhaps if I've made enough progress I'll get a couple of photos. The sunny weather held out to the end of the trip which I finished at Milton Keynes at tea time, left at 16.45 back home in Cheshire 19.00 saw spectacular crash scene on M1 southbound, it looked like it would take a long time extracting the lorry which seen to have flown off the motorway, over the ditch and upside down in the trees. Anyway a bit shattered just making sure our next Buses advert is submitted tomorrow and then I have orders to send out and a lot of editing to take care of plus other duties which I've been doing recently, despite Mandy's advice not to do anything more. Hey ho, here's some shots from the start at Clacton and Southend. A bit of a manic dash around but I think I'm on top of a lot of things, it wasn't that hard tying the South Yorkshire DVD together and the master disc is now ready plus the digitised master file. Just need to do shop files ( yes they exist but until the full fibre in September getting them loaded takes forever). I've filed away recent photos and the camera bag has everything i need. I've got two hotels booked, one an old favourite from work days The Bell at Horndon on the Hill, the other is more over Essex Herts border. I do have a cunning plan but of course it depends how tired I get. 4am start in the morning.. Lets get ourself in Essex mode with shots from previous visits. |
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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