Another year gone by ass I was still recovering from my knee replacement we didn’t go away until February, our friend Sue came with us to Colombia and spent two weeks travelling around. It is a lovely country full of friendly helpful people who were enjoying life as the country emerged from the dark years of civil war and drug barons. Well worth a visit and a salutary lesson in taking information from magazines as the supposedly open Translohr tramway was far from finished and trial runs only started at 5pm. We decided to have a new kitchen so I went to China for three weeks and Mandy stayed while the Kitchen was fitted, all went well until the kitchen tops arrived and were too short! The error was with the Germans and made the whole thing take a lot longer than it should have. China was a hard slog and the food still not to my taste. The local guides were variable but the welcome no less than on previous visits .It was good to catch up with John and his family in Guangzhou who intend visiting the UK in 2018. By this time Mandy and I were both ready for another next trip, so off we went to Malta for ten days, and the kitchen was nearly finished when we got back ( only nearly). We had a super villa in Malta, Sue and Mandy relaxed while I did my own thing filming the now rather mundane buses plus the still interesting trucks and vans. We had the added bonus of meeting up with transport friends from Manchester and Halifax. It has taken some getting used to being at home now I’ve retired , well I say retired , but we still have the business which keeps us both very busy, and of course all our travelling. We had a trip to Ireland which brought provincial bus and truck coverage up to date and also to France where I squeezed in more truck film. Our UK film coverage sees us going all over the country from Scotland to Kent. We reconfirmed our status as a not for profit business and are now promoting the PMP Film Archive as the main thrust of our work which naturally focus on transport material but also encompasses all our other interests. We seen our films appear regularly on television, film and arts or community projects at home and abroad as well as creating material for inclusion in part works. At the end of July and into August I took part in a long distance walk to help raise money for a toilet in our local village church. It was from St Oswald’s in Northumberland to St Oswald’s, Lower Peover over 200 miles in total. Due to prior commitments I joined the walk in Cumbria and over the next 12 days walked down through Lancashire and into Greater Manchester then out through Sale and Bowden through Tatton Park and on into Lower Peover. It was some walk over hills and moors, bogs and canals in all weathers, around 130 miles. The new knee worked well! I also did my first charity film show which raised £500. We now support Medicin sans Frontiers and well as all our existing charities. Mandy continues as chair of the Cheshire and North Wales branch of the Polio Fellowship. We have upgraded our support for the RNCM in Manchester to the principles circle extending our backing for the arts which already embraces Clonter Opera and WNO. Charity events for the new next year include bingo calling in January at Plumley and another walk is on the cards. Somewhere along the line I have found myself lined up to be church warden at St Oswalds. Mandy increasingly uses the wheelchair to get around, we’ve cut down our transport rally attendance but will hopefully get to a wider variety and different areas each year. We started to decorate the house this year, we got all the upstairs done plus the hall stairs and landing and the new kitchen, so next spring we will get the living and dining room done, then all it leaves is the dreaded office! Increased storage for my models is badly needed, I’ve given up taking them out of boxes and tried to limit my purchases. The garage was also on the cards to decorate but it hasn’t happened, the walls around the front garden need cementing back into place as well so I won’t be bored in 2017. Our 2017 overseas trips start with India in February. I’ll be taking an in depth perhaps final look at Mumbai’s double decker buses and exploring Kochi for the first time. There are lots of other destinations lined up to be finalised. Our UK trips start next week and the rail replacement services between Liverpool and Birkenhead are at the fore. For many of you viewing our trailers on Youtube is your main contact with ourselves. We have clocked up over 26M hits and have approaching 11K subscribers. Top viewing locations are the UK, Vietnam, USA, France, India, Argentina, Germany, Brazil, Italy and Romania. A third of viewers are female. Can we ask that you avoid ad blocker apps, when you click on an advert this creates revenue which goes towards the expansion of the PMP archive. Favourite locations for our viewer are Mansfield and Paisley for buses and Dover for trucks. Overseas its Trucks and buses in Vietnam whilst Hong Kong and Canada also join the truck fan base. Well you will want to join your family and friends and not listen to me, to all our friends, families, customers, viewers around the world may we wish you a peaceful and healthy year ahead. Thank you for your support for PMP which is highly appreciated and all the kind comments received. Remember we have our own shops on our website, plus Amazon and a selection on EBay. God bless you all. Some good work achieved today, I've got a few more of the remaining 16mm films ready to put on EBay, looks as if there are just 3 that i can't resolved and probably need to copy again which is no big deal as I have a few to copy for the windmill society down in Hailsham. I've filed quite a lot of things but there will be a heap of old clips on the Youtube channel possibly overnight. I've got the Southampton dock film done, I'm looking forwards to a long session there in good warm weather when operations are at full pelt next summer, I didn't realise that it is actually the next biggest UK container port to Felixstowe, it certainly didn't look that on Wednesday. We cleared the majority of orders this morning, just a couple with quries to sort and one parcel which needs the container removing as it would cost more to post than the value. I try not to charge too much for postage but it really is a killer these days when sending abroad. Mandy went off and did some food shopping while I just ploughed on with the essentials. The Youtube site is still increasing which is encouraging. Sales of DVDs is slack at present but then loads of the cine films are getting moved so the cash flow is OK. I'll get the visas for India sorted after new Year. I must try and put a preliminary schedule together for next year. I got Trolleybus Magazine today which has increased in pages and has oodles of photos, it's the journal of the National Trolleybus Association really a bit niche in the UK where they haven't run in service anywhere for decades. Here are a selection of more photos from my visit to Southampton docks on Wednesday. It was the day of my Auntie Thelma's funeral but first we met up with a friend Mike Kerrin who came down to our hotel first thing for a coffee before we headed off down to the Crematorium passing our old house at Langney on the way down. Thelma had reached her 90's but of course that always limits the numbers of contemporaries who survive and ditto family to some extent. After the service we went back to Thelma's house at Longland Road and after a catch up with family and friends we started the long grind back up north , everywhere looked very attractive on a sparkling sunny day. We eventually hit traffic on the M25, congestion on the M40 and fog starting on the M40 and M6, the toll road got us through the midlands and thankfully the road work section near home was fine. It's white in Lower peover, I guess it's not snow but frost which must have gathered over several days at freezing temperatures. We've just unloaded , quite a car full. All the film and DVD orders are ready for packing in the morning. We are just ready now for a cuppa. Anyway being back in harness I can start with some photos at Southampton docks yesterday. Greetjngs from Eastbourne by the sea where I grew up and today bathed in sunshine but now frosty. We bid a sad farewell to Yvonne this morning after breakfast, by that time the frost on the car was melted. Thankfully there was no fog but a convoy of lorries near the docks had smashed into one another I guess at lights with iceon the ground. There seems to have been no attempt to put down salt or grit. It wasn't a long run to the docks which we'd driven by on holidays and weekends many times but you can't really judge these things until you're there. The roundabout where most seem to enter and exit was doable even in the thin low wintry sunshine I would imagine in summer it would be even better. It started to get busier as time went by, I quit while I was winning having got an hours worth of film. This just about fulfills our truck wish list for this year. We then had a brew at hedge end just off the m27 then carried on to Eastbourne, lovely calm sunny weather and pretty clear roads. Found John bishops new house quite easily just near hailsham, we had a look around and scholarship then loaded up some fine which I'mebringjng home. After reading point on digital media there is alossibi
Possibility that it may be sold on to finance future film trips, of particular interest may be Terry Barker's Belgium find which was a particular passion for him. We had to get a bank loan to purchase it many years ago now it would be best with folk in Belgium where it would be appreciated to the best extent. Early expression s of interest are welcome otherwise it will probably eventually go on eBay. We are now at the premier Inn in Eastbourne which is the old co-op building on terminus rd. We are heading down to the war memorial for dinner nearby with John and Maureen this evening. Tomorrow we are meeting with my friend mike kerrin for a late breakfast before heading down to the crematorium format auntie Thelma's funeral just before lunch time, after tea back at her house well be heading back up north and will be at full speed catching up with pump orders on Friday mornjng. Well nearly atvthe end of our stay with Yvonne and Graham down in dibden by the new forest. We had a really good sleep the colds are on their way out except that Graham has now caught it. Graham also had to go to work which is something I'm trying hard to forget all about! If as a very frosty start to the day but we waited it out and then battled through some heavy. Traffic to reach Southampton town centre shopping mall which was itself heaving with oeolle. We managed to find some reduced shirts from white stuff which has provided some good material of late better than marks and Spencers offerrjngs. We had a moorish cake in Lewes store and Mandy got yet another new handbag. We've made a small dent I. The food left over from the Christmas festivities. I din,t think I could face another slice of Christmas cake or biscuit her alone sweet or nut but it's been a real feast. The journey East takes us past Southampton docks which I did she's out today but need at least a hazy sun rather than bright sunlight. Then we go on to Eastbourne and visit John bishop's new abode and stay overnight at the premier Inn ready for aunty Thelma's funeral on Thursday then back home. I've reactivated all the shops now so please feel free to spend spend spend.
A very straightforward day, we slept really well and didn't stir until last 9am then slowly got ready to face the world. It was the day of the great family gathering so most of the afternoon was laying out food, needless to say once more there was a vast over abundance for everybody. The nieces and nephews are now starting to gather families of their own and this advancing generation have now got to the stage where the party games get a little more near the knuckle and Katie was a quizz master to be reckoned with. A great day all round and tomorrow we,ll no doubt be touching base with shops, also I can do little about this outnumbered all around.
Greetings to you all where ever you are reading and hope that you have had a good as Christmas as we have enjoyed in Hampshire with my family. My cold is still passing and just a bit of annoying coughing now and then. We weren't up too early this morning , it was a calm still day with minimal campness nothing like the awful wether forcast I went to Hythe church with Yvonne and Margaret and layer a wreath on our mothers grave marker, there were lots of flowers about although the town was understandably quiet. Then it was back to Yvonne's where Mandy and Graham has continued the food preparations. We had an enormous Christmas dinner and pudding all my favourite things in abundance. We had a restful slightly dozy evening and now mince pies before bed. Margaret and Roger rejoin us tomorrow afternoon with the rest of the family for a giant boxing day buffet. Once again reminding everyone that we travel on go Sussex for a family funeral returning late Thursday and all orders being cleared Friday morning.
Greetings to all our friends, customers, relations worldwide from new Zealand to Canada, China to Ukraine and many more. We has an enjoyable drive from our home in Cheshire down to hampshire. The roads were very quiet and it took much less time than normal. The temperature has been very mild for Christmas tkme. Tonight we went tons local pub for dinner, being Whitbread it wasn't without problems, what is it about that outfit they seem to have a total disregard and disdain for customers. It didn't stop us from enjoying a lovely evening. Shortly we shall be away to bed. The bungalow is now sparkling and it is hard to remember the sheer hard work and good and sweat which it took Yvonne and Graham to get it habitabke. As we arrived down here early we called at hythe and popped I. To say hello to my sister Margaret. At tea time we went over to start John's church at locks heath for their Christmas carol service. There we met more family including baby William who is a delight. Lots more family gathering tomorrow Christmas with Margaret and Roger plus friend Marie for dinner then boxing day the extended family in Hampshire for z fun afternoon and evening. At least we have great internet through Graham's connections here. We'll catch up tomorrow Christmas day meanwhile if you are already tuckjng into the Barbie in NZ or waiting for Santa our very best wishes.
THankfully I'm recovering quite well and have had two reasonable nights sleep. I've been no further than Knutsford to the bank and the village shop to drop off the post. We had two batches to go to ensure everything that could be had been sent off before we leave tomorrow and drive down to Hampshire where I understand my sister has also had a chest infection, must be a genetic thing - cold always end up on my chest. Anyway I also phoned through to John Bishop in Hailsham where he and Maureen are now established if not settled in their new home, we will see them next Wednesday and have a catch up before the sad formalities of my aunt's funeral at Eastbourne Crem on Thursday morning. An unplanned diversion and extension to the trip but it does save driving down twice in wintry weather although I hear the Christmas day temperature may be record breaking. Whatever you are doing over Christmas Mandy and myself wish you the very best for the coming days and New Year. It has been a pleasure to share our hobby and time with our vast expending group of friends, relations and customers spread so far across our planet. Our travels always bring with them adventures and tales to be told and hopefully lots of film which we can share now and keep for posterity. Already the PMP archive if regularly used for television and film productions together with news bullitins. The range of material grows wider as we introduce social and industrial material into the DVD offerings. I had to scrap plans for the Youtube Christmas message due to my cold but hoping to do it for the New Year. We shall be back in action a week today when normal service will be resumed. All our shops remain open , our own on this site, EBay and Amazon. I think people realise that delays are inevitable over the holiday period. I'm hoping to put one last tranche of the 16mm cine films on Ebay this evening, a few more left after that but the floor space in the PMP office is at last clear. Lots of plans emerging for the new year. What can I give you this evening, how about links to the M6 films taken yesterday just a half mile from home. My cold seems to have peaked and hopefully tomorrow, Friday I'll be starting to picvk up a bit. I've had such a variety of medicines that all I seem to taste is something akin to mettalic whatever that tastes like you may well ask. I was going to prepare a Christmas Youtube message but it canm become a New Year one as I'm not doing it with a blocked nose and that's for sure. I did sleep reasonably well and woke about 6.30 am which is only 15 mins earlier than when I had to get up mto go to work, that seems a long time ago now. The 16mm cine films which I started loading on EBay last week have been going quite well at auction with the first 4 sold I've nearly covered my outlay and another 70 to sell albeit the dearest and the first sold are usually the 'gems' amongst the dross. Still fingers crossed and that's one of the film trips paid for. It's been awful trying to load the films to Youtube as the Firefox site has gone into permanent crash mode and even Chrome isn't much better. Every time I move I have to get rid of a pile of tissues, oh well better out than in , we've been nibbling away at one of our presents, rather moorish chocy biscuits which has the added attraction of following on from our two fasting days , always an element of compensating afterwards but it does seen to keep the girth in check although I suspect that it will be well challenged over the coming days. I smell of Vicks vapour rub , I suppose its the old adage that if it smells or tastes horrid it must be doing you good. We skyped with Tina and Max in NZ last time before Christmas, good news the New Zealand film I talked about is now finally loaded after being the cause of several Youtube crashes. I decided that I'd stick to my plan to film today and it was down to trucks rather than buses. There was black ice first thing, no roads were salted or gritted at all which isnt surprising as the weather forcast was wrong yet again. It was only plus 1 when I went out, tried the A500 west bound to Crewe and looked at several other locations along the route which would probably be great any other time than the winter solstice. That said the good news is the the days now start to get longer once more. The sun was really too low to do anything, I tried several locations including the A556 replacement, toyed with J19 on the M6 but finally it went cloudy so I gave up and headed back home about 11.30am but on passing over the M6 once more ( we live on top of several crossings) the sun had perked up and traffic was crawling so I parked up on the bridge and used the muddy footpath with the two broken styles to access the path besides the motorway and this proved quite a good move albeit a bit breezy and cold. When I got back I confirmed the Indian railway tickets and tried to contact the RNCM re the new sponsorship but everyone had finished for Christmas. I had to hose my walking shoes they were so muddy, Mandy is getting clothes packed for Hampshire plus the funeral in Sussex all over the next week. At least I have some new photos from today, should get the film edited this evening, just past 4pm its pitch black despite a clear sky. |
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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