Greetjngs from Eastbourne by the sea where I grew up and today bathed in sunshine but now frosty. We bid a sad farewell to Yvonne this morning after breakfast, by that time the frost on the car was melted. Thankfully there was no fog but a convoy of lorries near the docks had smashed into one another I guess at lights with iceon the ground. There seems to have been no attempt to put down salt or grit. It wasn't a long run to the docks which we'd driven by on holidays and weekends many times but you can't really judge these things until you're there. The roundabout where most seem to enter and exit was doable even in the thin low wintry sunshine I would imagine in summer it would be even better. It started to get busier as time went by, I quit while I was winning having got an hours worth of film. This just about fulfills our truck wish list for this year. We then had a brew at hedge end just off the m27 then carried on to Eastbourne, lovely calm sunny weather and pretty clear roads. Found John bishops new house quite easily just near hailsham, we had a look around and scholarship then loaded up some fine which I'mebringjng home. After reading point on digital media there is alossibi
Possibility that it may be sold on to finance future film trips, of particular interest may be Terry Barker's Belgium find which was a particular passion for him. We had to get a bank loan to purchase it many years ago now it would be best with folk in Belgium where it would be appreciated to the best extent. Early expression s of interest are welcome otherwise it will probably eventually go on eBay. We are now at the premier Inn in Eastbourne which is the old co-op building on terminus rd. We are heading down to the war memorial for dinner nearby with John and Maureen this evening. Tomorrow we are meeting with my friend mike kerrin for a late breakfast before heading down to the crematorium format auntie Thelma's funeral just before lunch time, after tea back at her house well be heading back up north and will be at full speed catching up with pump orders on Friday mornjng. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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