Please refrain from harassment on Messenger and other platforms. You are very welcome to email us but we are so busy we cannot divert to conversations ( unless you prefer no more films ).
As well as all the superb buses you can visit the PMP stand on a now rare appearance and meet your old mate Dave perhaps for a selfie and even help out with Dave's introduction and farewell messages. We are growing stronger every year and I've been proud to wear our colours and logos to events around the country. There are still many who have not heard of the NWVRT, the friendly nature of our open days attracted me so come and see for yourself this year. Put it in your diary now.
It seemed an ideal answer to catching up on coverage at Peterborough bus station, get finished at Delaine running day then head up to Peterborough. Wrong, Peterborough on a Saturday with the usual drunks , smack heads, ne'er-do-wells and flotsam and jetsam plus feral gangs of young males made a very toxic mix. The shops are still closing, M&S went last week following all the top brands who evacuated this hell hole. No disabled toilets in either the shopping centre or bus station finding any toilets was a lengthy process. My suggest to Peterborough is to disband its police force with all their vans and car, close it all down and see if it made any difference. My guess would but council tax payers would get a huge reduction in charges and there would be no change in crime as the current regime uses riding around in their vehicles nice and warm and safe as a strategy. Boots on the ground would be impossible as they are scared of the hooligans and thugs. Mandy got attacked by manic drunks who smashed bottles on her car and then a bunch of young males possibly football related. ( all the disabled parking spots are in seedy back streets) I had several encounters by the bus station, then a young kid came out in some sort of rambo uniform, he had Westcliffe on the back, I kept my cools ( for a change) and told him to keep walking and go back to his nice warm office and have a cup of tea. He took my advise thank goodness, the thugs would have made mincemeat of him and I would have been annoyed at least. Despite all this and I do implore enthusiasts not to visit the bus station, I did get my footage and stills although the foul weather which has decimated our spring played havoc with photography. A long day and as they say of sport a day of two halves, the Delaine heritage running day was well worth getting up early to attend, really great to see an assortment together which are mostly new to me on the running day circuit. As usual I met lots of old friends but not many young ones from the online side as the average age group seemed to be well past retirement age. The story of Peterborough in the afternoon will wait until tomorrow.
A productive couple of days especially keeping indoors to avoid the foul weather. Tomorrow though we head off to the wild and woolly east to the Delaines bus running day, if you want to say hello and perhaps a selfie don't be shy. We used to have a stand at their rallies, we'll have a look at this for the future. Obviously locals know that several rallies in that region have now had the plug pulled so lets hope it is a really good one tomorrow. We of course are nearing the annual NWVRT rally at Kirkby where we will have stand. Today I've saved to files films covering China, Liberia, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Always lots happening here. The Oxford diecast Biffa bin wagon is a little gem, looking forward to finding a spot on one of my dioramas. I've almost finished the films on Wakefield and York plus Harrogate. Scanning now some British steam era and even aircraft at Heathrow 1980. Meanwhile some of the shots from this week to fill the gaps. Yes it is ready to send out now, DVD and Download, the first of a series of events put on by the superb Manchester Museum of Transport to celebrate two hundred years of buses in Manchester. We've also been busy filing photos from the past few months and even had a look at some old slides which have never been seem, they were damaged by heat and damp and the colours went mad but through the magic mincer they came out quite nice. Still a bit of tweaking required to get it just right but damage repaired and colour reigned in a bit, I took the Irish shots between 1980-84
PLEASE REMEMBER WE CAN NOW OFFER OUR WHOLE RANGE OF FILMS INCLUDING ARCHIVES AS DOWNLOADS WHICH OPENS ALL WE HAVE DONE TO A WORLDWIDE AUDIENCE. PLEASE ALSO NOTE I DO NOT USE MESSENGER, IF YOU NEED TO CONTACT ME MY CONTACT DETAILS ARE ALL ON THE WEBSITE. I TRY TO KEEP MY SOCIAL MEDIA TO SAFE PLATFORMS OR AS SAFE AS CAN BE AND I SEE MESSENGER POP UP (UNWANTED) WITH HORRIFIC CONTENT. Today I went to film in York but had a weird experience with a stalker who kept appearing and jumping in front of me, we retreated to the hilly slopes of Harrogate, one thing there Mandy will tell you is that it beats nearly everywhere for being inaccessible in a wheelchair. We did however find three nice cafe, that leaves two to go, can only eat so much cake, anything would be better than Nero in York. I barely managed to get the footage for the next Wakefield bus film, the temperature must be something like that of Alaska, it was the wind which whipped up the moisture not helped by Mandy changing all our clothes out ready for spring/summer. Anyway I got there in the end. I've done work on preparing material for a new Unique production of trains feeding London stations, my own project which features a lot of colourised material is on the trams and trains of the Dutch East Indies, Indonesia. Here are some pictures from Halifax. Yes the new download service is now up and running with orders this morning sent to Sri Lanka and The Netherlands. I've placed the next advert in Buses and am editing the recent scans of Cuba, China and European tram, train and trolleybuses. Vispa men are still working on the pole fitting the new system to restore our ultra fast broadband supply. We had quite a few orders through over the weekend they've all gone off in the post. One of our most regular customers has been in hospital and rehab and at last is nearly ready to go home. He rang to say he'd soon be catching up with his bus DVDs. We like to keep in touch with our loyal fans but a reminder that I don't go near Messenger, by mistake opening up the computer phone I have just to verify purchases I got some really awful stuff, not aimed at me but I thought that people were banned from posting that sort of thing and Facebook-Messenger shouldn't be hosting it. We can start to catch up with photos if the internet is working at all, he's still up that pole! I'll give it a try. A bit of a catch up with photos. No we had hardly any storage space on Weebly everything works ok. I'm going to knock up an order form for digital download version of DVDs or indeed other digital only items including archive. It will be generic and all you need to add is the film reference number and usual details. The files will go on Drop Box and you get a link which releases the file for you to download. No changes to our terms and condition but we will be policing digitally use of our material. Remember DVDs and downloads are for you domestic home use only. They cannot be lent, shown at clubs, sold on or copied, distributed or appear on any media without our express permission. There will be a retrospective licence for cases where you forget to get prior permission, these will be £200 much less than other archive sites. This will appear as an item on the shop. The licence for commercial use of up to 15 minutes from one film remains at just £150, again one of the cheapest in the world, it is already an item on the shop. |
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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