Just a reminder that we shall be away for a week from tomorrow 4th October returning 11th Oct. This is to attend the funeral of our dear friend Sean and help Hil in the difficult days ahead. Mandy will also get the new bank account in ROI up and running as Ulster Bank ( Nat West) have pulled out of the country. We were going to attend to this sort of stuff in November but events have taken over. Mandy should have been flying out with our friend Sue for a girlie week in the sun tomorrow but again alas events have taken us in another direction. I could well find a little time to get the camera out, the batteries are charged! On a very positive note I've got all the Bubb family videos downloaded and files retitled to reflect the contents, these will be upgraded to HD 60 fps. The only job left on these is putting sound on the scanned cine mostly railways which were shot in sound and I managed to get sound copies done many years back but don't have a S8 projector these day that does sound. Today we have a long list of chores to get through before we depart very early tomorrow via Holyhead to Dublin, then through the Dublin tunnel and out onto the motorways, it is so much easier these days. If I cannot get online don't worry we'll be back next week. We are now on TalkUK for the internet and phones, there was a doubling of our internet speed promised still nothing like cable but fingers crossed for an improvement. Some photos from last years trip to Ireland. See you all again soon. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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