Another day of lock down passed, for once Corona wasn't the first thing on the news, admittedly the first news I'd seen for days last night. We had the 75th anniversary of VE day on, why didn't they swap the concentration to the VJ celebrations as the war ended and this was the one with more formal parades and more time to prepare. It would hopefully have matched with the fading of the virus idiocy. The news from Wales wasn't good at all as the only popular thing on relaxing the lock down was garden centres reopening and people could go our more than once a day which is a bit of a laugh as people went out as often as they needed, here in the country it is irrelevant. There were narks who bottled a few important people to the police or published stuff, let he who is free from sin throw the first stone eh, I always said if Hitler had invaded they would have been queuing round the block to volunteer to run the gas chambers. We had a splendid walk in Marbury country park near Northwich, we may go again today and I can take the binoculars and do a bit of bird watching, a huge expanse of reclaimed industrial land polluted by the salt and chemical industry. The flashes or lakes as a corner stone of this and attract a lot of wildlife. The slide show below cover this aspect. I've also updated the EBay shop although we always implore people to use the PMP shop as funds all come to our not for profit film archive rather than US megaliths . We had a sit in the garden enjoying the sunshine yesterday afternoon, I did some weeding, a never ending task. I'm looking at my next Bus Spot Ultra which may well be West Bromwich. I'm still planning something on the UK bus groupings post deregulation. We are still scanning Terry Barkers cine film which is now all Belgium, he covered it all in such great detail. For the bus fans a look at the West Midlands area over the years. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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