Things are still a bit hectic with the DVD orders still flooding in and I'm now operating with two cine film scanners, I decided to give the new one a whirl and see if it operated ok which it is doing so far considering the last one via China lasted 10 minutes and the other created a juddering image. I'm copying film from 3 collections at the moment in addition to a couple of my own which have eventually caught me up. I've created a special Christmas DVD remembering those heady days of the 1990's when we were heading off to exotic climes each Christmas, it just became the norm really as we had to take a time week holiday at Christmas but only took 7 days leave so I'd add on another week which made Australia and New Zealand much more possible although they were both inexpensive in those days. I couldn't start to tell you what I've scanned onto HD digital in the last few days there should be the makings of many more archive features. There will be a Down Your Way on South Yorkshire for certain and a Portuguese archive covering trams, trolleys, buses and trains. I also promise another Bus Spot Ultra from South Yorkshire before Christmas. I'm now looking at the weather for tomorrow, looking a bit mixed but I'll get out with the camera if I can. Mandy finally got a reply from the council on the application process for renewing her blue disabled parking badge. Typical white wash on most of it, really it is hardly worth complaining as they are as bent as they come. Cheshire West and Chester and Cheshire East officials are both the scum of the public world, I can just imagine them in Germany in WWII jumping with glee each night when the new came on and gave the numbers of people gassed in the previous 24 hours. You eben have to show your passport to get into dump your rubbish now. I dreamt something like that, a bad Monty Python sort of routine mixed up with the last three evenings with archive film on BBC 4 of Berlin in 1945 and another programme on amateur cine in the war. Certainly all levels of government in Britain have been able to indulge in discrimination wholesale on the back of emergency Corona legislation. Comments are closed.
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