My body is a tad weary, painting the wood work on the green house is challenging but I managed to get a long handled brush at B&Q which took some of the trauma out of reaching over all the glass. I've ordered a green shading net which should hide any defects and may be useful in getting a clematis to climb over it. I've got the Walsall and West Brom trailers ready to load on to Youtube. I got the DVD covers made for them but not loaded them to our shop yet. I want to get the photos filed before I start anything else. Tomorrow is now free so I can get some more jobs done, were are out but not until evening, perhaps we'll get the third guard box completed. I got some more paint as I think it might be tight and I usually need black gloss for drain pipes etc. I've been rooting through my Southdown photo sales boxes as a customer is perusing some large batches of B&W shots at home, these can go in the post on Tuesday. I've not forgotten our truck friends but I had done a lot when you take Mexico into consideration and Cyprus next week will be mainly lorries. I took the IQ into Halfords this morning and got the blades renewed, also picked up some cleaning materials which Mandy intends me to use tomorrow. We also picked up a nice leg of lamb as we have guests round Sunday evening. The bunting is going up across the three houses on Sunday afternoon, I picked up some cream eggs to assist with our efforts. Lets show that we are still looking after the lorry folk with a dip into the past, I know we are off to Cypr7us so why not a taster! Comments are closed.
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