we set off just before eight this morning and as planned we were set up at Penrith at ten am and the weather was pretty well spot on varying from sunshine to bright cloud. there were plenty of lorries about and the knne stood up well to two hours filming, lots of hoots toots and waves and I managed to get wrapped up and back to the pmp vsn before midday and put on the cold cuff on my knee and then headed up towards Carlisle with a stop on way for coffee and cake aleit at motorway prices. we then parked up at Carlisle and I set about finding my feet at this new location. the weather wasn't that good to start but it did descend to cloud with threatening rain clouds. there was a good mix of stobsrts although they by no means totally dominated the lorries bit I did get a good selection including rail and plant life plus car transport and a couple of fairly vintage road trains. thankfully I got an hour of film and back to the van as it started to rain. another change of ice pack and northwards once more and another refreshment stop and then to the museum at Bridgetown on the outskirts of Glasgow where the majority of stands were already in place. we met up with several friends including Graham from Cobham Julian from Kent and just as in Dublin Michael dryhurst . quite a little club meeting of English stall holders they were staying in Glasgow and we are back at the alone hotel at Strathclyde country park amidst the roadworks which are in turn near the service area where we exchanged as relay vans on the way back from lathalmond a coupe of years back. the TV isn't working but will to seems great mind you I'll find out how good when I press the publish button and if it does work illl download a TV play all and we'll be free of the room TV and able to play what we want. I'm going to film at Falkirk and sterling tomorrow if the weather looks good.
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