I had an early start this morning as my physio was at 9am in Hale, Mandy knows all the back roads to avoid the rush hour and roadworks and had us parked up outside with 3 minutes to spare. Physio Jill was well impressed with my progress and declared that her work was done and she could add nothing more to my progress, we did discuss what was and wasn't a good idea but bottom line if it doesn't hurt and you can do it go ahead and the odd bit of swelling in inevitable. Well that was job one out of the way and heading back we called at the post office to off load all the PMP orders before we got into a quick change act ready for the next appointment which was a funeral. It's been the stuff of books, p[lay or documentaries as well as police CID investigations, we were out in rural Bunbury at St Boniface's church which we had attended previously for a wedding and funeral.The buildings were still in war time mode with crossed tape on the windows and road marking deleted, it's the location for a second series about the women of a village in the war years. I can't go into any details but afterwards the wake split into two camps with the 'dissenters' being the most numerous and walking the short distance to the pub and despite the circumstances a nice lunch and superb Mobberley real ale, we may go back one evening for a proper meal. Nothing has been resolved and the circumstances are even more convoluted than before which is not a pleasant status and we can only hope that she is protected from the circumstances from a vantage point in a better place. We then had to return home for another quick wardrobe change as it was my latest appointment with Prof Jari to look at my knee replacement. He is always a little cautious and said it was 100% but preferred it if I could get it to 110% allowing a margin of error which would ensure my walking remained good well to the future. Nothing new but just keeping up with the exercises. Got the go ahead to stop anti inflammatories which require another pill to protect your tummy. Last night I took no pain killer and thus finally went through the slight withdrawal process to be free of opiates. I always have some tramadol with me in case of back injury and this will ensure that they will be effective should I need them. I did have some muscle pain after the gardening yesterday even though it was a short stint. I'll file away the matsters downloaded for the Dutch tram and trolley archive not to miss out some rare bus scenes. I should get around to editing in a couple of weeks time as we arrive back from Scotland Sunday night then Wednesday head down to Devon and Cornwall returning via Somerset. I'll take the Hadl and hopefully be able to blog en route , depends on the strength of the signal, spoilt here now with fibre optic high speed. I received my 1/72 model Liaz trolleybus from Moscow, a little toy like but a rare addition to my collection. The Atlas Ikarus artic trolley looks a dream in comparison. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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