I managed to get my still camera a Cannon back to the settings that I normally use, it went haywire after the screen picture vanished like it had done in Istanbul, messing around trying to get it back I reset all the settings to factory and then the camera took huge size files which quickly gobbled up the remaining space on the memory chip and really had it's chips and eat them as it wouldn't take any other. Anyway all is well. Progress continues with the Bangladesh trip, Martin has now received his visa, it's a scary process as it only remains valid for 2 months after issue including your travel and time there so it cannot be obtained early. Hasan our local agent checks back every jot of the way which includes the 'tip' for officials to get the Rocket paddle steamer ticket which believe it or not also cannot be purchased more than two weeks in advance ijn case the schedule changes. This is not so daft though as silting up of the river is constantly reducing the journey to Khulna which is now 90 minutes drive away from present landing spot, that is one reason we are doing the trip it cannot be long before they vanish, mind you they haven't been steam powered since the 1980s but the last river paddle steamers providing ordinary services non tourist related. It was the launch of the working at height training course which went quite well for a first go and it was really freezing outside so we followed the course to the letter on the practical outdoors bit but got back in the warm asap, the main training rig has been dismantled and is now sitting awaiting transporting up to our Darlington yard where the is already a training facility . Getting home to the warm house all I want to do is nod off. I've just been rendering the images for the second Cuban bus film which takes us down to Santiago.The first volume didn't save on the time line so I'll have to download back to the computer from the DVD so I can take clips for Youtube. Then I've the last of the car films to put together which might all leave one general traffic volume on Havana from the end of the journey, great to get them done as it will be time to place adverts later this week. I've trimmed up a lot of shots ready to load on to the Smugmug photo sales site, here is a sample of what there will be available. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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