Greetings readers worldwide, if you call by our Youtube channel please disable any ad blockers and click on some adverts when you look sat our films it is the revenue from this which helps finance our future film trips and lets the channel exist in the first place, even Google has to make ends meet. I'm still thinking about when to launch our subscription channel and also about regular broadcasts as a mini tv station, really its a lot to do on my own and thats one of the problems I don't have any back up. Another issue facing us soon is that my pal John Bishop who looks after the PMP cine archive is moving home shortly and wants to return the majority of my films as he will have less space in his new home. Thus we have to look at the future of some of these cine films, there are black hole archives then there is the possibility of selling it, raising revenue and hoping the someone who is prepared to pay serious cash will want to look after and use the material. It would be good to see some of the overseas material returning to it's home country especially the Belgium, Swiss film not to mention Germany etc. Some films gifted to us/me will of course be retained until I finally pop my clogs. Today we had a bit of a lay in bed, until gone 8am, we needed to catch up after the fairly gruelling day yesterday with the funeral on Teesside and then getting back for the launch of the Principle's circle at the RNCM in Manchester which brings me forward to late afternoon today when I had to pop down to the hardware shop at Holmes Chapel to get an allen key to tighten the legs on the chairs we got from John Lewis's, ridiculous that they only lasted weeks before coming loose. I met Anita Lockett from Clonter at the shop and I promised we were trying to work out if one or two of us were coming to the Opera Gala later this autumn, it seems possible that Mandy would be in Ireland. Anita offered me to join them for dinner that night rather than be alone, a kind gesture. Talking of overseas trips we have now booked our relaxation trip to La Macassar at Corbie near Amiens, our favourite retreat from the world for the end of October. I'm also working on the details for my Japan trip next year and have also figured out how to get registered and book the Indian rail tickets online getting from Mumbai to Kochi, I also will need to speak to BEST to arranged a visit to their DD depot. Today I went to the docks at Seaforth, Liverpool and got an hour of great shots in sunshine, I phoned the 101 assistance police number before commencing and finally was able to advise I was there and let the local patrols aware and not to 'buzz' me! There was a road closure at one of the free port dock entry roads so the scrap lads were going in the other entrances but i did try at Cargills site but the weather closed in and it poured down, then relocated to Widnes Stobarts Port but again the weather was awful after a while but I did get a good look at the work on the roads to the new Mersey crossing, enormous amount of construction and i noticed what looked like a new roundabout before Widnes on the Liverpool side which was stacked out with trucks, one sunny day i'll take a closer look. I've loaded Loughborough and Leicester on our PMP shop page. Here are some shots from today's trip. Rotten weather tomorrow so I'll do indoor jobs. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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