The BBC weather forecast must have been for another York as the weather there didn't match in any detail, the promised dry light cloud turned out to be sunshine and the occasional shower then heavy cloud and snow - Sometimes I wonder if the shouldn't issue apologies when it all goes so wrong. We set off early but not too early as the motorway junction near home closes each night with construction work linking the M56 and A556 to M6 Junction 19, heaven knows why it's cost a bomb but really all they do when they get to either end more quickly is to join the ever growing chaos on the M6 which seems to be shut or have lane closures or at a minimum jams everyday, it makes the M25 around London look like a quiet backwater. It snowed and there was a smash, actually two . On the M60, Weberer was one of the trucks involved with a white van another was a car rolled near Leeds. This all ate away with our time and it was about 9am when we finally got parked up in York. The sun was a big problem and so unexpected but I battled on and eventually before the snow started clouds came about lunch time and I finished off my filming. We then got stuck behind a tractor and trailer going to Harrogate, for mile after mile an complete inconsiderate oaf who never let one vehicle past. By the time I started filming at Harrogate it was obvious that this would have to be stitched on to the York material as it was light snow, freezing cold and getting darker all the time. We headed back over the Pennines avoiding the M62 but this wasn't that good an idea as the smaller road had lots of snow and ice so it was a gentle crawl back over the border to Colne and then motorways from Burnley back to the M6 getting off at Lymm services and across country to Knutsford passing streams of traffic trying to avoid stretches of the stationary north bound M6 traffic, yes yet again. We picked up a ready made dinner and will catch up with last night's soaps this evening. I've downloaded the DVD orders and cine to go out but as Lawrence struggles with anything more than a standard envelope Mandy will leave the cine reels to post Monday. I had hassle with a Romanian chap who decided to berate me via Facebook, he ordered a DVD back in August but it turns out that it wasn't his address or even him who paid, he had given this to a friend to do, I suggested that he check with the Romanian post office for the DVd, not even knowing that it was a third party involved! We never heard anything back until today he starts belittling us on Facebook which most of you will know is not my cup of tea and entries are really just copied to it from this blog, Youtube postings etc. I must check and see if we got our 25M hits on the channel up today. Here are some photos from this morning in York. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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