almost but not quite a non news day, my back sorted itself out and just left with some aching muscles in the buttock but I'll have to be extra careful setting up and dismantling the stand on Sunday at Lincoln. Mandy saw her first tram at the airport today. It was dead at work, very few people about, I spent most of the day covering calls and visitors and raising the barrier for deliveries, yes mind blowing stuff eh. Well after all that back to the world of transport and tonight I've made a start on Salisbury archive, not that many visits but it bridges quite an exciting decade or two. I did some work on the Bangladesh trip in February and having got that lined up I'm trying to get an extra quote on Mexico for comparison. Not a lot to tell you about, there have been higher numbers of orders than usual coming through which we hope is the start of the Christmas rush plus of course it's pay day time of month for many of our customers. I got the replacement for the broken M&D coach via Hattons, remarkable that Oxford have almost got Southdown and M&D with the same shade of green, they need to watch out as work gets around quickly if it doesn't just 'look' right although I'm sure the now much awaited M&D Leyland PD2/12 will sell whatever it looks like. There are a couple of EFE releases out this week from 'my' areas so more boxes in the greenhouse. I'd better get upstairs and sort out the next clip to download from the Salisbury selection and of course being thursday it's pub night although as its the last one in the month I fear its quizz night, talking of which Mandy had me download a couple of quizzes for the Polio group meeting in a couple of weeks. The broken Christmas cake has sorted itself out a bit so back to one big 'un rather than two smaller cakes. Some nice smells wafting out from the kitchen! I'll try and keep you up to speed with recent releases, everything goes straight on to the PMP shop, remember lots of stills shots on our Smugmug site just follow the links and they are from just 50p a go. Tomorrow night the Youtube viewing stats for the month as we head towards yet another million viewers.
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PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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