we had a good meal stbthe airport hotel and enjoyed our enormous executive suite. i woke inbthe early hours with mybtooth avhe but afterca tramafol pain killer ibwas quickly bavk to sleep and woke refreshed and fullnofbthe joys of autumn at about eight fifteen. our scedulevafter having completed cork bus film last night was tontravel down west to toomore wheremy fathers family came from. it wasxa miserable damp and goggy morning andcstsyed likevthstballbthe way until wecwere justca couple of miles away from schull andvthen the sun finally broke through and it wasca migical scene which awaited us there. at goleen the next village down to mizzen head there is a new visitors centre and they putbus in touch with a lively lsdy who is the font of knoeledge on all things associsted with toormore. as it was lunch time we said we would visit mizzen head and then see ournew friend on our return, ee noted thst the postboffice mandy hadvcalled at on her firdt vidit was closed eight yesrs and still up for sale. st mizzen head there is a very good exhibition, viditors centre, cafe etc. it is about four pounds for pensioners to go through to the old wireless ststion overbthe smsll bridge etc, lots of steps and look outs over amazing viewd, we realky enjoyed it although certainly not suited for thode ogf impaired mobility. then we called at our friend in toormoor, at eightybeight years old she was truly amazing inbhervrecollections ut hsving only moved tonthe village in 1948 she was atvthe efge of her memories with my fajily although there were sullivans who had the forge. we dhall msintain contact and investigate furthet. it wasvthe firstvtime we had hadvthe ,tea, exoerience with the full mobty and a table full. then the jaunt bavk to cork . tkmorrow we are heading over to waterford, buses first then any spare time trying to complete a truck film.
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