poldark rubbish on the television as we come to the end of a relaxing day in northerb ireland on a day which often threatened rain but hardky dekuveted, the temperature may have hovered hardly above freezing but it was mosrly sunny. We git up very late for us and has a traditional ulster fry which included delicius thick bacon and yummy suasages and the tastuest egg id had for many along day. We had alresdy planned our itinarary with the argory and ardress house two nt properaties cliseby only an hour fronnthe wonderful old schoolghouse near comber in co down which is thecoubty of mandys natural father. It was a most relaxing day which riughly translated means that mandy didvthe driving and i did the sleeping at every opportunity. It has been a marvellous plave to stay and the nt properties were both delightgful with the argory having avictorian weejend with staff acting out the parts of servants guiding you around the house by far thebest being the washerwoman at the end who scares the wits out of most of the visitors with her sharo tongue, actualky very wekl acted and brought it all to life alyhough in typical fashion the timing of the cafe etc had gone to pot as they tried to fit innthe victorian afyernoon teas and all the acting and it was down to a coffee machine at adress house an ancient ulster settlets pool lantation house much rebuilt in pallafium stylr. We called in ata few beauty spots along strangdotd loough on our eay bavk. Lost out on some ebay bidsbut i refuse to pay silly money however mote obsvure film loxations go for a song and we have a mass of folms awaiting copyinh. Tomorrow oncemote into belfast for some mote truck film and then sail back to the s plave ready for court on oban on titssfay morning.
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