we had a good sleep through to 8am, the joys of being retired. I had a call from a former colleague first thing telling me the my former company had let all the ECITB approved training I had develop lapse and no longer had a licence to present it. At least this met the terms of understanding under which I left albeit it had taken a couple of months to come to fruition. A shame to see a lot of hard work go down the river but then why should I care now. I went up to Oldham after rush hour while Mandy went to the club for a swim. The weather was more sunny than forecast but I left it a while and it was satisfactory. There were thousands of youngsters from all types of country about, needless to say non observed the minute silence at 11m our time. I think a lot of the islamic ones are living in cloud cuckoo land still speaking and dressing as they do the kick back will start eventually and it was little surprise to hear that the French terrorists were home grown much as ours have been in te past. You have to ask why they come here in the first place if the hate us all that much. The buses were pretty much as they were last year with no further influx of new machines, the old First Mercs still carry the old livery and certainly don't owe anybody anything. When I got bacjk Mandy had only just finished getting the post sorted as she had to get some stationery from Smiths in Northwich, well it was just parcel tape really but we can't operate without it, I'm sure we've got a stock somewhere. I went out and fed the birds, he pigeons never stop eating. I decided to get some more of the 16mm film copied, there were some absolute gems amongst them including Air Parade a 1951 Festival of Britain production by Shell celebrating British aviation up to 1951. There were also programme on the Fatstock Marketing Corporation with some of there lorry fleet near the end which reallt dated it early. There was also a lengthy Hong Kong tourist board fiolm. Lots more all will feature on our youtube site. Aldi has Priorat Wine from our friend Albert's village in the Pyrenees region of Spain, it's superb wine. The photo show tonight needless to say from Oldham. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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