It's not every day you lose a brother but today was one of them. A strange day perhaps, the sun had finally cracked the mist and given the best day this year just after everyone had returned to work. I'd had my mobile off, to be truthful its often that way, one of the great intrusions although it does make it better for Mandy when we are away filming, I can always tell her to meet at the car etc which is it's best convenience. Anyway when I did turn it on I found a message from my sister Susan in Northampton, it turns out that my half brother James has died this past weekend, not that I'd ever met him. It's all part of the strange O'Grady clan and it's dark secrets from Ireland's past. In the more recent history James had followed Tony and Susan by quite a gap, my father Jim had at first welcomed my contact but within the week had turned against me which I gather is no great loss and thus on the coat tails of this and the fact that Sue hasn't been in touch with them for 25 years we were quite happy that we had found each other. Sue had the terrible accident in 2014 and has recovered very well over a period of many months and none of us want to see things going backwards so perhaps the O'Grady clan will not gather to mourn and James although in my prayers had somewhat bought his demise on himself, a great Irish tradition found in empty bottles. The weather was great, I popped out to get some rose spray and chicken pellets for the garden although it was a bit hectic catching up at work and once again one of my trainers had let me down afraid to get out of his comfort zone so I clear up the mess tomorrow, ever noted that these sorts get more pay. The wonders of our world but in between I did rattle off the gripes I'd agreed with myself to deliver thus I'd caught up with Stagecoach over all the most serious things which had happened in the past few years and warned them about their Polish migrant drivers and their possible involvement in ultra right wing activities. I'd contacted the Merseyside police about Peel Ports and then Stobarts to commend their enlightened attitude to enthusiasts and suggester Peel learnt a thing or two from them. I also commended the lovely old chap at the Wallasey tunnel who helped with the stuck machine when I went to Liverpool to film the trucks. I've written to the Scottish daily herald newspaper re the Scottish issue. I've got the latest batch of black and white negs that I'd digitised sorted, trimmed up and ready to file, some really interesting stuff most of which I have no recollection of. Anyway here are a few samples from around 1980 transport scene.Another of my EBay cine film purchases arrived today. Packing for Mexico trip starts tomorrow. I've some Romanian tram clips to go on Youtube this evening and I've no got a Twitter, Reddit and some other thing which are all because Youtube links direct to them so don't expect tweets other than from my Youtube account. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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