Thinking of our friends on the front line of democracy this evening after a day of bloody police violence in which a state commits the worst it can do against it's own population putting the Spanish government on par with Stalin and Mao. The government in Madrid want to rekindle the civil war and are willing to fire at unarmed protesters submitting them to plastic bullets and baton charges, it almost reminds me of the cavalry charges made against the heroes of the British miners strike. I hope that the resistance can remain pacifist, Gandhi showed how effective it can be and humiliated the British imperialists but it is a hard route to follow, maintaining the moral high ground is essential. Even those who were uncertain how to vote are now turning to the yes side. It also reminds us how our press and media treat others who have been forced to take up arms when they would rather be at home with their families, as the Kurds seek a homeland we criminalise those who stand up to the fundamentalists and lay down their lives, is this how we would now treat those who volunteered to support the fight against fascism in the Spanish civil war, although at the time despite their knowledge and experience gained they were refused service in the British forces against Hitler. Pictures from The Guardian, their website has the greatest UK coverage. I've just spent the afternoon doing the linkwork for the next but one stage of my foundation for ministry course, the reason for jumping around is that we have to fit the course around Bishop Peter's diary and he delivers one of the sections. It quite neatly leads you from place to place in the course with the link work getting you ready to consider the next unit. I'd been at the 8am service this morning to support our vicar Jane, those who oppose measures to make and keep the building accessible have been forceful in their discriminatory views which caused me to rethink my place as a warden at St Oswald's. It was good to be back with my oppo Keith, although we stand at opposite ends of the political spectrum we are shoulder to shoulder in fighting prejudice. I've managed to get more bus rally archive film put on DVD, there has been a fair trickle of DVD orders coming through over this wet murky weekend, no Indian summer has emerged, in the N West of England it has been a typically miserable climatic year, where is all this global warming not in Lower Peover for sure. Some recent DVD covers Comments are closed.
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