I managed to work through the afternoon and evening and get the latest addition to our Ultra series of Bus Spots complete which covers a century of trams and buses in Liverpool with widescreen throughout and most in colour, digitally enhanced and lasting two hours in duration and all this at regular PMP bargain prices for specialist collectors items. I also managed to get get clips loading on to our Youtube channel for this latest Bus Spot which should be all on very shortly and join all the other great trailers posted over the Christmas and New Year period. We take this opportunity of hoping that you all enjoyed seeing in the New Year, we stayed up so I could pass the church key to the bell ringers at St Oswalds, Lower Peover who joined the worldwide activities with a peel lasting over the end of the passing and New years. Some super memories from 2017, what a tremendous year it has been in so many ways with the PMP archive going from strength to strength and reaching up to 100k views a day in up to 204 nations and territories and creating a dramatic upturn in advertising derived revenue which secures the future enhancement and widening of the archive. In 2018 we will make our annual tour of bus and truck locations in the British Isles and extend our overseas coverage to countries we haven't visited before plus updating some favourites. It sounds as if we shall be having a busy time then and look forward to keeping you informed with the full DVD list on the news and shop front page and new DVDs straight to our shop before they are available anywhere else. No increase in DVD price or postage, in fact on our site UK postage remain free of charge and as a special service to our friends around the world sent to all destination on planet earth free, please don't order overseas from our regular 'sales' promotions as this really means selling at very little profit and is a service to extend our hobby not a way of tight- fisted Aussies to get a 'bargain'. It was very pleasant to get phone calls and emails today wishing us well for the New Year. Our UK coverage of buses should commence this week weather permitting. It's beeb dark and wet this afternoon after what turned out to be a bright morning. I've managed to get my course essay finished, spell checked etc, I'll take another word count tomorrow and a final read through and then get it submitted. I'm at a funeral tomorrow bus I'll get all DVD orders off in the post and I'll be get concerts and trips sorted and on the calendar. So our photos tonight must be of Merseyside! Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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