It was a busy and productive day with not so many DVD orders so we had time to get some jobs done. The attic clear-out had produced a dozen boxes parked on the dining table , these are now cleared, I reaped the benefit of all mu old modelling equipment, spares, paints and useful items to add to the present diorama construction. Once this had been cleared , cleaned up and homes found I managed to get the remainder of the items into the Eastbourne themed mini museum shelf on the bottom of the new display cabinets. Work on the layout is on the next shelf up and the length is 12 foot. My back is feeling the strain in my muscles from standing over the table sorting things. I had to be pretty ruthless with the bin bag which alone saw Ian Kirk Maunsell carriage kits numbering 13 go to land fill. There were old if not ancient copies of Buses and Light Rail mags but putting stuff on EBay produces nothing but work and hassles, I've learnt that from past attempts. The two pairs of terraced cottage rears as produced by Metcalfe at now almost finished and look pretty good, just a few last finishing touches to go. Then I have similar from two other manufacturers to try. While I was working on this I was scanning high quality cine film from the 1960-70s covering a lot of heritage stuff. And if that wasn't enough I was also working on the Bus Spot Ultra Barnsley which really will be a homage to the tracky which I'm sure will find many viewers. Another full day on it even if part time say Saturday woukd get the material on the timeline to edit. I'll put a lot of digitised wide screen clips from it on Youtube to make up for the quiet week. I think tomorrow I'll be in Peterborough and perhaps up to South Lincolnshire if time allows, we need to get there early to get the best light. The rain returns on Saturday. Anyway for the moment dipping into the past with Peterborough. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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