ee had a very sound sleep last night in the radissin atvthe port and resirt city of cartagena on the colombian carribean ciadt bsdking in the mid thirties centegrade as we nite that yet another stirm is going to lasy england. thebreajfast here wasmarginally better than the dinner last night but the room is very comfy and quiet. weve booked a day for me tomroow with an english speaking driver who is going to think of possible options for filming the trucks tomoroow . today we caught a taxi doen to the city and had about ninety minutes youring the old town and the parts of the modern city adjacebt tonthe coast and lsgoon. we hsd a look all sround the old buildings, actually the vendors errent as bad as in greece or turkey and not at all peresidtant. eventuslly i left mandy and sue sat in the sun outside the old fortifications and eent up the rosd to film the new brazillisn buses on scania chassid which were in the brt. they errent thst frequent on a sundsy but i bet evrn getting any shots tomorrow, monday would be a nightmsre. we aregoinginyo town agsun theis evening for dinner, we found a couple high up in trip advisorbut they usually seem to hsve very poor access which never gets mentioned. there was a useful corner with locsl budes stopping while i fikmed nesr the brt lsnrd snd this has probsbly slready filldd that requirent, mandy and sue said id been 90 minutes but it felt like ten. the weather for tomorrow looks steady at mid 30s but medillen looks omninois layer in week with thunfer shoeers at 28, very sticky i think.
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