The lathalmknd bus museum weekend seems to be lick continuing it's downward spiral, I think we'll have one more last try next year and then have a sale of Scottish material advertised on our monthly buses may advert to help get rid of the hundreds of Scottish dvds we have created for lathalmknd and then bridgeton. We abandoned the Glasgow event after a huge hike in stand prices and doubling of overheads .When it went to two days and sales collapsed. We are thinking hard about Boyle street museum for the Christmas vevent, it's very cold in the museum, stand prices went up again last year and the last time we attebded we had a poor pitch, if others can make the events pay great for them but we can sustain the PMP archive better by YouTube adverts and online sales which saves travel and costs. What we do with the van remains undecided, we'll probably hang on for a few more years, I'd intended to keep it until it was old enough to rally. Mandy didn't have anybody to chat to while I was out filming, being stony dead the day dragged like mad for her. I got film in Dundee lots new the national express fleet is nearly all green, it looks pretty awful in my mind. I had abuse from one derived of vehicle 1777,he stopped his bus full of passengers in the middle of the road to threaten me as he didn't want his picture taken, which until he stopped and opened his door he would never have been reconisedr. I met with a local councillor who will take up the case with the bus operator. After breezy but sunny Dundee I went down to Glenrothes where it was bright and not so windy, got a very rude sign from a mortar and Williamson driver, stagecoach all very friendly again as the were also in Kirkcaldy. Then back to the museum for a brew and cake we are back at the hideaway to eat this evening.
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PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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