Well what a day that was, no chance of getting outside anywhere so I decided to plough on with jobs inside, got a lot more photos sorted and loaded on to our Smugmug site, links via this site and you can purchase prints from as little as 50p each. Then I worked my way through a lot more of the Std 8 cine and got about 16 reels on Ebay and loaded to my Youtube channel. We are well on our way to 25M hits, a pity people don't hit the adverts when they visit as that is the whole point for financing the site, ad blocking apps help nobody at all as it just discourages sources from becoming available. There were a few gems among the dross but really the best material is always on 16mm but we do have a halfway house in Super8 which we have numerous 400' reels of to work through next. The 'new' projector I bought via EBay is a real little gem runs as smooth as you can get. I'm not 100% sure what I'll get to do tomorrow but the camera is at the ready although I've no particular wish to be up at the crack of dawn or as is the case in winter hours before it. I couldn't find my glasses this afternoon, ended up going to the post without them, I've a spare pair in the car- somewhere but I found them later after I'd tidied up after the rush. I had a nice chat with two of our regular customer/friends and was actually able to assist with downloading the PMP list from our site, easy once you've sussed it , it's right up to date most of the time. We've a 24 hour black Friday sale tomorrow just the one day and no more sales until the New Year now so if you want your DVDs at £10 get them tomorrow only on EBay though. Events, meetings, concerts seem to be lined up through to Christmas. We shall be going down to my sisters in Hampshire Christmas eve ansd back up mid week, it's usually fairly busy through to New Year and into spring. A couple of Youtube uploads from recent visits for you. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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