I've been juggling several balls in the air today and yesterday and have got a lots of clips from Doncaster on our Youtube channel and have completed the Bus Spot Ultra Doncaster plus the two programmes of Newark trucks and buses at High Wycombe. I've also been working on the diorama getting the over bridge finished and two low profile versions and then getting a suitable image for seeing though the bridge over the tram lines. This all took ages and is no quick fix trying to get perspectives something like correct. The bridges look rather good but it was a lot of effort for just part of the whole model. Then we fitted in a whole has clean now that our cleaners are coming back on Tuesday, well it makes sense to Mandy. There were masses of DVD orders which went out yesterday but today it has been lean pickings. In a way a relaxing weekend wouldn't go amiss. Some will remember the problems we have had with the DVD discs and cases, it is all tied up with the overseas carriers via ship whereby containers which are going say to the UK are dropped off at Rotterdam and then trans-shipped later say end of next January. This has really messed up supplies but our reserve dealer came up trumps and given the somewhat apparent shaky status of our usual supplier we'll stick with the new regular down in Gloucestershire, neither were exactly on the doorstep the other one was in Barnsley. I'll try and get the rest of the South East journey DVDs ready tomorrow then all the covers to do before I can list them on the shops. The Youtube site is still looking a bit lackluster but if you average it out it has been buoyant all year. I've not looked ahead to next week for filming as yet, at present it been wet, windy ad dark which has suited the indoor jobs this weekend but the front garden could use a tidy up for Christmas. Cards are tumbling in now and ours have nearly all gone out. As we are trying to get up to Blackburn and Accrington this week here are some shots around Lancashire from the archive to keep us ready. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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