The keyboard wouldn't work on my blog although the shop etc were fine, it is at last back up and running.After the problems since resolved with the Amazon PMP Shop today it was EBay who came out guns blazing with the bully boy tactics. This time they wanted something they had not asked for but threatened- in fact are, withholding money paid for items sold on my Ebay shop. They say I haven't done something to do with my account but it has never changed, I am still the same person who signed up all those years ago, same account, same ban, same address. This time when I tried to resolve they want a copy of my passport. But why and in fact the UK government has warned people not to give out personal information as cyber crime has been at an all time high during the corona Pandemic,. Bay is a lot less essential to our business than Amazon and if I play the balloon game it will be EBay that went out first. Can somebody please tell me why they insist on depriving our film archive of precious funding by purchasing on Amazon and eBay when neither have anything like the full range and it just goes into pockets of dodgy US companies who pay little or no tax in the UK. There is a long list of these. I was checking through the Youtube stats, I sometimes go through the comments and just block people who are still posting , I have of course blocked posts on our films for a couple of years after death threats. There was one nasty one today on an old clip, ( you can't retro block comments on clips), some stupid nasty comments, lets look at his profile, amazing a gun promoting loon who should be blocked from social media. Can you do anything well not really as if you report them and it turns out that Trumpville are policing the site that you are in the wrong for objecting and stand to be penalised so you can't risk it. Mind you the awful stuff people put on Facebook is the reason I don't use it other than to share my daily blogs. Most people who have 'friend' status will be surprised that I don't follow their material if it is hate, swearing or obscene. We are still being inundated with DVD orders and the Youtube stats are rising again, I've no idea what caused the big drop but we are back over 40k hits a day but nowhere near the 90k we had in the first lock down. Subs still climb but more slowly, I was rather fancying 100k - do I get a telegram from the queen? Anyway tonight you will be with me in Grimsby last week. If the weather outlook remains as is we shall be down south Tuesday and Wednesday. Fingers crossed on that. Tomorrow I'll be editing the new Bus Spot Ultra on Doncaster. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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