It is hard skipping around the elephant in the room at present especially when preparing films for showing on Youtube as mention of the 'C' word is a recipe for being deprived of revenue from advertising even if it is just in passing. Now Youtube make you self certify every time you load a film so if they find anything they don't agree with they can say the originator lied about content. Now there are lots of things well worth avoiding in hobby films , drugs, violence, sex etc but then it get a bit more tricky, nothing controversial but that's subject to a USA interpretation of the world. So it isn't following all the labyrinthine laws of Google/Youtube but we do our best and our latest uploads are four sequences with shots of Bali transport taken over Christmas 1991. This was a trip to Hong Kong and a side trip to China and then on to Bali. Our hotel in Bali later burnt down. The original tape on video 8 has long since been broken and unplayable so a lot of sequences are lost. Thus the importance of getting material to digital with back up copies, so far this has meant just old cine but early tape has proven a fickle media and a few are really hard to use, Most do have back ups, the Bali material lost was mainly scenic or family, note I seem to take better care with the transport material! It has been a very busy day for DVD orders , the busiest since Christmas. We had a 'sort out' firstly spare bedroom over bed cupboards, Mandys collection of hand bags and misc items from horse riding gear to snorkel and goggles. That was the easy bit, then came the under stair cupboard complete with wine racks. Horror story it was indeed, ghastly finds, wine gone to vinegar and some mould. We ended up clearing and cleaning everything then painting the cupboard, I stilll seem to have a lot of white paint in my hair, now I know that doesn't show but it feels awful, a shower and scrub at it urgently needed. Next it was back to the garden, the turf has been ordered and comes next Wednesday after Easter hols. This means I cannot slacken the pace clearing the areas of flower border to be turfed, I must be at least 60% through it and a few days to go. Today was our hottest of the year so far, we had our first ice cream of the year in the garden when I could do no more. I will start again tomorrow. My film visit to do list sits frustratingly on the desk top taunting me, I was nicely on schedule before this Chinese import arrived. Anyway I really will be getting some bus archives done this week or at least by the end of Easter, it provides a rest from manual labour in the garden. Some bus shots from places I should have been visiting so start tonight in Kent where we so missed the Detling rally. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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