I'll get the remainder on the PMP shop tomorrow. It was a bit of a slog today getting through everything, I've even mowed the lawns and tidied the borders, helped with putting out the washing and done vaccing and dusting on top of getting the DVD clips on Youtube and getting four more films scanned. I discovered that the fault with the video camera sound wasn't the mic but the setting jumped to minus 10 instead of a neutral zero, fingers crossed it never does it again, I've never even had to delve into mic settings before, hopefully it won't spoil the DVD much as I've been able to enhance the weak sound. We don't normally like to get too coarse on the blog but I couldn't help but share this from Tunbridge Wells, we had key workers, we had heroes and now we have Hams Travel ( again) they have form. This is despite a friendly smile, a wave and a thumbs up - perhaps they have their own fears but I would rather they weren't driving buses around who knows what their erratic behaviours will lead to. I must commend especially all the lovely drivers at Croydon who all showed such a friendly welcome and who represent London and their companies so well, perhaps there are really heroes and people worth clapping why do we always remember the bad , they are like worms though which go round in your mind. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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