Last night before bed I decided as there wasnt much on tv and I'm avoiding the news at present that I'd put together the film for the show I'm doing at the beginning for Feb for the local Jaguar club, got it all done before 11pm then to bed which for once I'd remembered to put the electric blanket on beforehand so it was ultra cosy. Woke up just before th3e alarm this morning so had a leisurely breakfast and gentle drive up the M6 to Lancaster arriving just in time for all the school, university and college services plus the rush hour such as it may be in those parts. I couldn't believe the light, it was as near perfect as you could expect at this time of year, just still not even a breeze and around 0 or so, it was -3 at home, I don't bother with gloves which was fine for filming but not my fingers. I was amazed at the quantity and frequency of the buses and rattled off the film work in double quick time and was soon back at the car getting ready to drive back down to Blackpool. It was a clear run although it is still a bit of a hike, Blackpool is very much a building site still and the amazing sight is the tram tracks leading into Wilkos store! The sun was trying to get out at first but this soon settled down and yet again In was soon in the thick of it and able to get the required footage in a short time and then have coffee and a muffin before heading home. Both Stagecoach as both locations plus Blackpool transport were all just so very friendly with thumbs up, smiles and waves all the way and the only minus an Alfa coach driver at Lancaster who did the usual trick of pulling up on a corner, opening his window and then start demanding that I delete the shot. I gave him a warm and friendly seasonal greeting and noted he seemed to be on a tinsel and turkey trip, bet its a whole bundle of laughs with that chap but he was just a lone misery among such friendly folk all the way, Lancashire certainly had its good side on today and I was soon heading home. Dropped the post off at the local post office and then had a go at cleaning the car with all the kit I'd picked up at Halfords on Saturday, I gave it a really good dose of looking at , it will be a shame to go out and get it dirty again. Busy getting more jobs done, disc printer ink ordered, emails checked, more cine scanning, filled in the little bits that needed it on the bookshelf I'd made for the small bedroom, cooked dinner, about to eat and then edit todays films and make sure I look at the weather to see if there is anything I can film tomorrow in such good light. Phoned the Irish tax people who had now sent Mandy a final demand, threatening everything under the sun, bottom line thay had a backlog of cheques they hadn't been able to sort, apologised put a block on any more letters and said they were thinking next year of not sending letters out until they had put the cheques through, only in Ireland ! Photos from Lancaster. Comments are closed.
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