Today I needed something relatively local as we needed to get out later on to do shopping to take us through the Easter holiday. It was like a battlefield at M&S Handforth Dean near Manchester airport, the shelves were bare, it was like being back at the beginning of the lock downs last year. To add to the misery M&S have it seems gone over to playing boom boom music noise over their tannoy which given their aged customer base should make it an instant turn off. I wish we had something a little bit more upmarket as it is no longer a pleasant experience at M&S. We have placed another large order for media to keep us ticking over, DVD covers are once again in short supply, stuck in the Suez queue I wouldn't wonder. Amaray who made them has now stopped and the business has been picked up by another manufacturer who already make similar. Anybody get the Rapido Train e newsletter, it takes some digesting and hard to know what is an April fool and what isn't. A strange outfit from Canada who carry their in house jokes through to customers who may not understand Canadian humour, actually I wasn't aware that anyone in North America had humour. We live and learn. If true they are making a model of a Bedford OB. They are also pushing the TTC derived orders for their own versions of the West Midlands Fleetline, a shame they cannot channel their releases so we can all share in them, I've given TTC another spin for their Mancunian if it transpires but after using them for my usual supplies I gave up when Chris let me down a few times, in fact they have had an airport 1 1/2 deckers for repair for some years now. Anyway back to Rapido, a Bedford OB, really! There must be thousands of wonderful vehicles never modeled other than as kits, many in preservation and able to be measured etc, there was also talk of a RT, where are these ideas coming from , they obviously aren't afraid to go provincial per the West Midlands models and superb at that. I enjoyed filming at Trafford Park, a bit breezy so I buried myself in the buses for covers but Hawthorne isn't a good companion. There was a lot of variety, it has its own mix as do all locations, there are other locations around the Park I could try again, easy to overlook as it is a convenient spot. Everywhere covered in litter chucked out of lorries, an epidemic in Britain which has no vaccination to protect us from, litter, litter everywhere including fly tipping in our own village. Meanwhile shots from yesterdays outing in Rochdale. I'm editing the bus films now
3/4/2021 14:10:44
Hay David, We Canadians have a lot humour, at least us Merseyside expats. follow your blog daily. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to photos for thee finished diorama. Comments are closed.
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