A bit of a gamble with the weather which was sunny in patches over the M62 but settled down as we arrived and had a brew then the cloud was almost perfect and while Mandy went shopping I got busy but not until I'd done an interview on the hoof as it were with local radio. So ad hoc that the chap had to use his own sock to put over his mobile phone mike while we talked. Anyway you couldn't help but see all the new First buses in Leeds, hundreds of them and I understand yet more are on their way. It probably means we'll have a fallow period for a couple of years a bit like Manchester where virtually nothing new has arrived for a couple of years now. I got shots of two heritage liveried buses which was great and decided that while getting the park & ride buses I'd take in a new loop around the centre and some different film locations, all this meant its a nice long one. I won't edit the Leeds until I've got the Bus Spot Ultra Brighton finished, I'm half way through the archive section at the beginning, things will speed up a lot when I get on to the video era in the 1980s. It is always pleasant wading through all this nostalgia near my home town of Eastbourne, I went to Tech in Brighton commuting on my motorbike, nothing grand, a 125cc Honda. Tomorrow we have a visit to the Bridgewater Hall in the afternoon to watch students from the RNCM rehearsing with the Halle orchestra. Hopefully in the morning I'll make progress with the Brighton film. Needless to say tonight we bring you a taste of Leeds Buses ! Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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